Peter Parker X Reader - I Think We're Alone Now

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'I Think We're Alone Now' by Tiffany. Reader and Peter are both 18 for this imagine. I hope you all enjoy it.

From the very first moment you had met Peter, you were certain he was the man you were going to spend the rest of your life with. Sure, it sounded corny when you put it into words, but it was the truth. It had been the most hardcore love at first sight that had ever happened, you were sure of it.

You supposed it was lucky that Peter had felt the same way. The second he had set eyes on you, his brain had gone to mush. You were prettier than he had imagined, having only ever seen you wearing a mask before, and the way you were smiling as you spoke with your co-workers had taken his breath away. If you hadn't been so caught up with your own thoughts when he had been introduced, you probably would have noticed the way he couldn't keep his eyes off of you. 

It wasn't until a couple of months later that you had finally admitted to your feelings out loud. Of course, it hadn't been to Peter. There was no way in Hell that you could have been so brave around him. Instead, you'd spilt your guts to Nat. 

"I really like him," you'd murmured, sitting cross legged at the foot of her bed as she lounged across the mattress. 

"He seems like a good kid." 

You swallowed slightly, nudging her with your toes until she glanced up at you. "No, like, I really, really like him." Your cheeks tinged red as you held her eye contact, watching as a slightly awkward smile found it's way onto her face.

"Y/N," she uttered softly, shifting to sit up and look at you properly. "He's a kid," she added, watching as you rolled your eyes.

"He's older than me," you told her, a smile pulling at your lips. 

Nat hummed, her brow furrowing. "Really?" You nodded your response. "Wow. I never would've guessed."

A small chuckle escaped you at that. "Thank you?"

"I just mean that he can be a little-" Nat paused for a moment, searching for her next word, "-childish at times."

You shook your head slightly, a smile still on your lips. "I think that's what I like about him," you uttered, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. "I never got to be around people my own age. It feels good spending time with him."

"Then you should be friends; doesn't mean you have to go crushing on him."

"Come on, Nat. You're trying to tell me you don't think he's handsome?" 

Nath snorted with laughter. "That's exactly what I'm telling you."

You shrugged slightly, shifting on your spot on the bed and closing your eyes as you attempted to conjure up an image of Peter's face. "I dunno," you murmured, your eyes flying open. "I think he's pretty cute."

"God." Nat grabbed her wine glass from her bedside table, taking a deep gulp before refocusing her gaze on you. "You're really starting to sound your age," she added, shaking her head. "I'm half expecting you to pull out a journal and start doodling little love hearts on the cover."

"Don't be absurd," you uttered, your brows raised as you chuckled. "People don't use journals anymore; we're all digitalised now."

*Time Skip*

You had always assumed that you were the only person in the compound that stayed awake past midnight. Sure, they were all up late when Tony threw one of his big parties, but other than that it was usually quiet when you snuck to the kitchen to scavenge for a late night snack. You preferred it that way, too. If no one was awake, there was no one to lecture you for your terrible eating and sleeping habits.

But this night, as you reached the kitchen, you quickly noticed that you weren't alone. From outside, you could see the glow of the fridge light illuminating the entire room. For a moment, you considered going back to your room and trying again later, but the grumble in your stomach quickly changed your mind. 

You took a few steps closer to the door and glanced into the kitchen, finding Peter standing in the glow of the fridge, staring at the contents. 

"Find anything good?" you murmured, causing him to startle slightly as he caught sight of you. He was smiling a second later, setting your brain on fire as you continued to stare, waiting for his answer. 

"It's all healthy stuff," he told you, giving a small shrug. "Not exactly what I was looking for."

You released a small chuckle, moving further into the room. "That's because you're looking in the wrong place," you started, passing him as you made your way over to one of the tall cupboards that lined the room. "The good stuff's all on the top shelf," you continued, sending him a sweet smile as you pulled it open. "I'm convinced Steve's trying to hide it from me," you added, watching as he let out a snort of laughter. There was a small moment of silence, and you pulled your gaze away from him, looking up at the top shelf. "What can I get for you?"

Peter moved closer, craning his neck to look at the shelf of treats. "What've you got?"

"All sorts," you told him, hearing him let out another laugh as you pulled yourself up onto the counter, getting on eye level with the snacks. "Cheetos; Goldfish; Takis; Pop Tarts; Oreos-" You heard Peter let out a soft gasp, turning to look down at him with a smile. "Oreos?"

"What flavour?" 

You pulled the packet out, waving them at him. "Peanut Butter."

"Perfect." He held out his hands and you threw the pack down to him, quickly climbing down from the counter. "Thanks."

You smiled as he held them out to you, offering you one. You took a bite, lifting your hand to cover your mouth as you spoke. "So, what're you doing up so late?"

Peter shrugged slightly. "I've always been a night owl." He moved over to the fridge, taking out the milk and pouring himself a glass. "You want some?" You shook your head slightly, watching as he put the carton away.

"I'm surprised we haven't bumped into each other like this before. I do this every night."

Peter smiled, putting another full Oreo into his mouth. "I usually just stay in my room watching TV," he uttered. "If I'd known you were out here, I'd have been coming out all the time."

"Well, now you know," you chuckled, taking another Oreo from the packet before pushing off of the counter. "I've got a pretty early meeting tomorrow, and it's gone 2 already. I ought to get to bed."

He nodded, gathering the packet into his arms with a smile. "G'night," he uttered.

After that, you'd spent most nights with Peter in the kitchen. You could spend hours sitting on the kitchen counter chatting as you ate some sort of snack food together, and it had become something you looked forward to each day.

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Avengers Imagines (Part One)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt