Bruce Banner X Reader - Let Me Love You

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A/N - This imagine is based on the Jack Garratt cover of the song 'Let Me Love You.' I hope you all enjoy it.

Bruce had attempted to keep himself from falling for you. Truly, he had, but there was just something about you that drew him in like no one ever had before. You were sweet, and kind, and stunning. Hell, you were the most incredible person he had ever met.

The two of you had met when you had joined the Avengers. You'd always thought that you'd done a good job of hiding your identity when you were off doing your vigilante work, but sure enough Tony had turned up on your door stop one afternoon. He'd been dressed in a suit that you were certain cost more than your whole apartment, and he'd given you this smirk that had set you on edge in an instant. If Iron Man was turning up at your home, you'd done a worse job than you had thought, and god only knew who else could have been watching you.

He'd launched into the spiel about how you could be a valuable asset to him, and you'd agreed almost immediately. Having people on your side would always be a good thing, and when you were an Avenger there were definitely people helping you fight your battles.

Everything had gone pretty quickly after that. You'd moved out of your apartment and into the Avengers Facility, and you'd quit your shitty cafe job in order to take on as much Avenger's work as you could manage. 

Y/B/N (Your Boyfriend's Name) was pretty shitty about it at first. He had never been a fan of the idea of you running off to fight crime, and now you were doing it 24/7. You had practically begged him to give it a chance. You were happy with your new life. You didn't want to give up on something you loved so much. Eventually he'd given in, and you'd lured him into coming to the Facility to meet your new colleagues. 

Bruce had never like Y/B/N. Of course, there was a little bit of bias in the fact that he was so utterly in love with you, but there was more to it than that. Y/B/N was a bully. A toxic man with the need to keep you in check whenever he got the chance. There had been a couple of times during that first night where Bruce had needed to take a moment to himself and force the big guy back down inside of him.

He spoke to you, not as a girlfriend or an equal, but as if you were some child he could order around. He would force you to kiss him in the middle of a conversation, his hand holding your chin tightly as he pressed him lips to yours, laughing as you attempted to pull away from him. And then there was the way he spoke to other women. The moment he'd set eyes on Nat he'd been fixated on her. He'd spent so much of the night flirting with her that he's never even noticed the glares Bruce had fixed on him.

You deserved better, and yet, Bruce had no idea of what to say to you to make you recognise it.

It wasn't until a couple of weeks later that the conversation came up naturally. You'd come stalking into the kitchen, your face a mask of pain as you tore the freezer door open. Bruce was almost certain you hadn't noticed him sitting at the island with his laptop, but you'd quickly dispelled that thought when you glanced back at him. 

"Hey," you started, your voice cracking slightly as you brought the ice cube tray over to the counter and retreated for a glass. 

"Hey," Bruce murmured back, watching you carefully as you poured vodka into the glass. "You doing okay?" he added, and you looked up at him for a moment, letting out a light snort.

"Am I that obvious?" you uttered, a failed attempt at a smile pulling at your lips. Bruce shrugged and you finally released a deep sigh as you topped the glass up with lemonade. "Relationship troubles," you continued, bringing the drink up to your lips and taking a deep gulp. You allowed your eyes for a moment, attempting to calm yourself.


You nodded. "Came home last night with another woman's lipstick on his shirt," you started, shaking your head. "And stinking of her perfume too," you added.

Bruce's brow furrowed as he watched you. You looked so utterly heartbroken that he just wanted to hold you and make you feel better. "He's a dick," he murmured, pressing his laptop closed as you let out a light chuckle.

"I should've known better. He's always been a prick, but-"

"Don't blame yourself," he interrupted. "Don't let him make you feel guilty for something he was dumb enough to do." The smile that came to your lips then was so genuine that it made Bruce's next words catch in his throat, escaping as an awkward cough. "You deserve way better than him," he finally uttered.

You reached out, taking his hand in yours for a moment and squeezing it. "Thanks Bruce," you murmured. As you pulled away, Bruce's heart sunk. But now was not the time for declarations of love. He would have to let you come to that conclusion on your own.

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