Bruce Banner X Reader - Dark Side

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A/N- This imagine is based on the song 'Dark Side' by Kelly Clarkson. It is one of my favourite songs. I hope you all enjoy it.

The lab was almost pitch black as you let yourself in. Bruce had given you a key 'in case of emergency' a few months back, and it had come in handy when you had realised he had been skipping meals to stay working late.  You knocked the door shut with your hip and squinted in an attempt to find your boyfriend in the darkened room. Perhaps, you thought, he actually went home on time for once.

A strange grunting sound echoed around the room, breaking the almost perfect silence of the lab. You took a few steps further into the room and placed the bag of take-out food onto one of the counters. 

"Bruce?" you started softly, pulling out your phone and using its bright screen to find the light switch on the wall. 

As the room flooded with light, the grunting grew louder, and you felt your throat tighten slightly. "Go." The voice was thick and strange, but it still sounded like Bruce.

"Baby, what's going on?" You took another step into the room, craning your neck to try and find him.

"No." The word was roared so loudly that you flinched in surprise, stumbling back a step and knocking into one of the tables, scattering some of the tools over the edge and onto the floor. And at that moment, everything clicked into place. Bruce had told you all about 'the other guy' but he had managed to keep you from ever seeing it before. 

You took a deep breath, calming yourself. "Hey, big guy," you started again, keeping your voice as neutral as possible, "what's got you so riled up?" Your breath caught in your throat when he got to his feet, towering over one of the far tables.

"Angry." He stated bluntly, his glare finding you on the other side of the room.

"Do you want to tell me why you're so angry?" You took another step forward, cautiously holding out your hand forwards for him to take. "Food always cheers me up when I'm mad," you started again, "I brought food for Banner, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind you having it." Hulk grunted as you reached out, taking the bag and lifting it up to him.  "It's really good."


You smiled as you lowered the bag again, placing it onto the table between you and pulling out one of the cardboard boxes of food. "Then you'd better eat up, big guy, there's plenty of food."

He lumbered forward, slumping to the floor like an overdramatic toddler and taking one of the boxes from the table. He tipped the food back into his mouth in one go, his eyes moving to watch you as he placed the box on the table. "You eat."

You chuckled slightly, reaching forward to pat his hand lightly and shaking your head. "No, buddy, this is all for you. I already ate."

The big guy grunted slightly, taking another of the small boxes and eating the entire contents in one bite. It was then that he began to shrink back down, and you watched on curiously as your boyfriend returned to his usual shape and size. 

Bruce was rocking when he finally reached his normal form, his eyes lifting to find you across the room. He looked like a startled bunny, as still as he could possibly get to avoid being spotted.

"Hey," you uttered, shifting forward slightly and watching as he flinched away. "Have you got any spare clothes?"

He nodded, lifting a shaking hand to point towards a walk-in cupboard on the other side of the room.

"Okay," you told him softly, "I'll get you something to wear." You paused midstep, glancing back over your shoulder at your boyfriend. "The big guy ate most of the food, but there should be something left if you're hungry." Bruce simply nodded again, huddled on the floor like a frightened child, and your heart began to ache. "Hey Bruce," you started again, smiling when his eyes met yours for just a moment, "I love you." At that, Bruce's face softened and the hint of a smile found its way onto his lips. 

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