Peter Parker X Stark!Reader - You and Me

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A/N- This imagine is based on the beautiful song You and Me by Lifehouse, which is definitely wedding song material for me. It is set after the world has been saved and everyone who was killed by the snap in Avengers:IF has come back (Peter and reader are in their early 20's). I really hope you enjoy it.

You took a deep breath, giving your reflection a small smile as your eyes wandered over the white wedding dress you were wearing. It was hard to believe that you were so close to getting married, and at such short notice, but there was nothing you had ever felt so strongly about doing now that the world had been set back to how it had been before Thanos came to earth. It had been torture, being stuck on earth with no clue what was happening. And not knowing whether Peter was alive or dead was what hurt the most. Now that he was back there was no hesitation on going forward with a wedding when he had asked you. 

"How are you doing?" You jumped as your dad came up behind you, smiling as you turned to face him. 

You let out a light chuckle, "It's the best I've been in months," you told him softly, linking your arm with his and taking another deep breath. He brought his hand down, giving yours a light squeeze before drawing you out through the door and into the waiting car. 

In all honesty, it hadn't taken your dad long to come around to the idea of you marrying your high-school sweetheart, especially when he knew Peter so well already. And after a few days of convincing he had even taken to helping you with planning the rather quickly thrown together nuptuals. "He's a good guy," he uttered quietly, patting your knee lightly as the car made its way across Manhattan, driven by Happy. 

"I know," you laughed lightly, leaning your arm against his and smiling up at him. "I wouldn't have said yes if he wasn't," you added softly, causing him to chuckle. 

You sat in sweet silence for the rest of the journey, only for your dad to break it again when he noticed the bounce of your leg as you pulled up to the venue. "You nervous?" he asked, just loud enough for you to hear, and you gave him a short nod, unable to find the words. "You don't need to be," he started again, "the kid waiting for you in there has been madly in love with you since he first set his eyes on you. You've got nothing to be nervous about."

You nodded slightly, biting your bottom lip before releasing a small sigh. "Yeah," you told him quietly, "how'd I get so lucky?"

Your dad was smiling at you as Happy opened the door for you, taking your hand and helping you to your feet. "Good luck." You gave him a sweet smile before pulling him into a tight hug. 

"You ought to get inside, or you'll steal my spotlight," you teased him before releasing him from your grip; laughing as he nodded and hurried off into the building as your dad came to stand beside you.


You gave him a quick smile and a nod. "As ready as I'll ever be."

The venue was more beautiful than you could have ever imagined as you made your way through the doors, your arm linked with your dad once more. There were flowers everywhere, full every colour you could imagine, and leaving the entire room smelling as sweet as it could be. Your eyes quickly landed on Peter, who looked as awkward standing at the front of the room in his three-piece suit as you felt walking towards him in your wedding dress. 

You reached your fiance quicker than you had expected, and your dad quickly drew you into a short hug, pressing a kiss to your cheek. As he released you he took a step closer to Peter, pulling him into an embrace, and releasing him with a pat on his shoulder. 

A smile made its way onto your lips as the look of shock on Peter's face, but you quickly moved forward and took his hand, bringing him back into the present. "Hey," you uttered softly, and you saw his eyes refocus on your face.

"You look amazing," he told you, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to your cheek. 

After than the ceremony seemed to hurry past, leaving you in a slight daze as you changed your name from Stark to Parker. But soon enough you were surrounded by the people you loved, each coming over to congratulate you both. Aunt May was the first to hug you, her eyes filled with happy tears as she gave you an extra squeeze and welcomed you into the family. And then came your dad and Pepper, who were both beeming as though they had never been happier. 

You understood the feeling. Having Peter by your side as your husband was like nothing you had ever felt. It was pride, and happiness, and excitement, and love, all rolled into one, and it was hard to imagine anything ever feeling better. 

*Time Skip*

To say you were nervous for your dad's speech was an understatement. He tended to make corny, inappropiate jokes when he didn't know what to say, and you were certain his sense of humour would be less appreciated by those of your guests who didn't know him so well. 

You hid your wince as he stood, clearing his throat and tapping a spoon against a glass to draw the attention of the crowd. "Hi," he started with a large smile, "my name is Tony, and most of you probably know me as the father of this incredible woman sitting beside me." You bit your lip for a moment, feeling a smile coming to the surface. "When Y/N was born I wasn't certain that I was ready for the commitment of a child, but as most single parents do, I perservered. And I'm glad I did, because not only did she grow into the amazing young woman sitting here today, but she made me a better man." You sniffed slightly, feeling tears come to your eyes as he continued to speak. "Now, I'm sure you are all in agreement with me that Peter is also an incredible young person. But I sincerely hope that she will bring out the best in you the way she did in me, and that you live a long and happy life together." You reached up, taking your dad's hand in yours and smiling as he glanced down at you. "To the happy couple," he added, finally, and you were suddenly on your feet, pulling him into a hug and struggling to hold back tears.

Once you had both taken your seats once more you felt Peter lean in, looking across you to your dad. "Thank you, Mr. Stark," he started reaching out his hand to shake your fathers.

Your dad let out a short laugh. "You can stop calling me Mr. Stark now Peter. We're family."

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