Bruce Banner x Reader - I want you to want me.

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A/N- This imagine is based on the Postmodern Jukebox version of Cheap Tricks I Want you to Want me. I hope you enjoy it.

You thought you had been pretty flagrant with your feelings towards Bruce. You had never been one for keeping your thoughts to yourself, and when it came to romance you had been as open as possible, especially where he was concerned. You had flirted, both openly and covertly, you had used gentle touches and smiles meant only for him, you had done everything but actually say the words out loud. But he remained blissfully unaware, too caught up in his work to even consider you, and leaving you with an inner turmoil so monstrous that you often found yourself hiding away from him. It wasn't that Bruce was stupid, he was one of the smartest men you had ever encountered, but he was wholly unobservant in his human interactions. It was one of the only things about him that would ever upset you.

You were sitting in the kitchen with Tony, setting the world to rights and drinking more coffee than your body would ever be happy with, when Bruce walked into the room. You smiled softly up at him for a short moment before getting to your feet and moving to the sink to wash up the mug you had been using. You heard Tony tut slightly as he watched you move away, and you could already tell that Bruce would have his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Morning," he mumbled slightly, crossing the room to pull the fridge open and glancing inside as though it contained the answers to the universes hardest questions. 

"Morning," you answered him softly, keeping your back turned to the two men, inviting as little conversation as would be possible. You heard Tony tut again, his chair moving away from the table and scaping across the floor, letting out a light screech.

"You two are terrible to be around," he grumbled, leaning over and placing his mug in the sink for you to clean.

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked him, and you turned to face both of them with your eyes locked onto the floor, unable to meet Bruce's gaze.

Tony raised an eyebrow at the cluelessness of his friend, looking between the two of you for a moment. "Can you honestly not see how miserable she is?" he scoffed, hoping up to sit on one of the work surfaces and leaning so his elbows were on his knees, his chin resting in his hands. 

Bruce glanced at you for a moment as you glared at Tony. You didn't want to guilt Bruce into caring for you, as much as you would have loved to be with him, it would have to be on his terms. "I didn't notice," Bruce mumbled, his eyes still settled on you, "is everything okay?"

Tony laughed at his words, his face a mixture of surprise and amazement. "Everything is fine," you told him softly, before turning to glare at Tony again, "someone just needs to learn to keep his mouth shut."

Tony held his hands up in defense, giving you a short nod before slipping off of the surface and landing steadily on his feet. "I've got work to do," he muttered before backing out of the room, giving you a small wink once he was out of Bruce's eyeline.

"Seriously," Bruce broke the silence, "Is everything alright?"

You smiled slightly, giving him a small chuckle. "I'm fine," you started, but Bruce was quick to cut you off.

"Fine doesn't mean good though, does it?" 

You shrugged slightly, "I guess it doesn't," you answered softly, pushing away from the sink and smiling as you passed him, "but don't worry about me, I'm tough as old boots." Bruce looked shocked as you slipped through the door way, hurrying down the hallway towards your room and planning how you could possibly tear Tony limb from limb without getting yourself put in prison.

*Time Skip*

The next morning you had barely made it out of your bedroom when Bruce was in your path, his smile awkward, his hands playing with the sleeves of his sweater. "Hey," he muttered quietly.

"Hey." It was obvious he knew, but you were determined to remain as calm as you could until he gaze you a reason not to be.

"So, Tony told me what's been going on," he started softly, "and I'm really sorry."

You let out a light chuckle, "you have nothing to be sorry for, these thing happen, I'll be fine," you told him, glancing over your shoulder at your bedroom door. It would only take a few seconds to get to it, and then you could pretend that this had never happened. 

"There's that word again," he grumbled, bringing your eyes back to him, "you shouldn't have to just be 'fine' you deserve more than just 'fine.'" 

"Bruce, I like you, but I swear if you intend to go down the 'you deserve better' route rather than just telling me you aren't interested, I will stop liking you."

Bruce's eyebrows knitted together, "who said I wasn't interested?" he asked you, letting out a small bubble of laughter when you looked confused. "I'm an idiot, but I'm not too stupid to realise that I have feelings for you." You finally felt a real smile come to your lips, and your eyes fell to the floor. "What are you doing for dinner tonight?"

"Nothing special," you told him softly, your smile still plastered onto your lips.

"How about we go out somewhere nice?" he asked you and you nodded, biting down lightly on your bottom lip.

"I'd love to." Bruce smiled down at you when you answered, holding his hand out for you to take.

"How about we get some breakfast first?" you nodded, taking his hand in yours and allowing him to lead you towards the kitchen, both of you smiling as though nothing else could ever matter.

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