Chapter 1 Offer

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"Now then, let's get to introductions!!! My name is Satoru Gojo, nice to meet you!!!! Plus i'm your lucky customer."

"Why are you acting like we're best friends when we just met? Plus you just barged in here."

Inside of Tsurugi's home, he was talking to the his unwelcomed guest, Gojo. As Gojo was happily drinking tea, Tsurugi began to feel like this man might end up being slightly annoying.

"So then, why are y-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he heard the sound of a phone ringing. When he looked at Gojo, he saw the man holding his phone as he looked at the owner of the home. At least, Tsurugi assumed he was. It's hard to tell with the blindfold over his eyes. As he nods his head, Tsurugi heard bits of the conversation.

"Huh? For real, that's hilarious. Maybe it took a nighttime stroll. Well, no coming home until it's recovered, okay?"

"I can already tell this guy is going to be a handful."

"Sorry, but I had an important call from one of my students. So then, i'll be upfront with you. Are you aware of curses?"

As Gojo asked this, he had already knew about this boy. Someone who created bladed cursed tools and sold them to the schools. The way they were crafted, it was almost like a certain swordsmith from long ago made them himself. As Tsurugi nods his head, Gojo smiled as he asked for the boy's name.

"Oh, it's Tsurugi Emiya. So then, what's a jujutsu sorcerer doing here?"

"Well it's simple....I want you to join the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College."


Tsurugi was beyond confused on why Gojo would ask this. Him, a teenage boy who simply makes swords, attending a school to become a jujutsu sorcerer. He was aware of them due to his foster father being one before he passed away, but he never expected to become one.

"Meet me in my workshop. We'll chat as I finish up your order. My mind tends to get a lot more clear when i'm working."

"Oh? What are you making? What's in there? Could it be.....that's where you hide your adult magazine!"

"HELL NO!!!!"

"It's okay. Teenage boys can't help that puberty makes them do some things."

"I'm gonna punch you!!!!!"

~A few minutes later~
An intense heat from a fire, the sound of metal clashing against metal. After Tsurugi changed his clothes and showed Gojo to his workshop, the man looked at the boy creating a sword and looking at all the swords around the boy that he created with his own hands.

"The level of focus in his eyes, his attention not leaving his craft for even a second

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"The level of focus in his eyes, his attention not leaving his craft for even a second. It's like watching an artist painting a masterpiece."

"So, why would you want me to enroll?"

"Well for one I saw your skills against a curse, not to mention the rumor. A swordsmith who's the supposed descendant of Senji Muramasa, who's blades were known as being cursed blades and a man who clashed against Ryoumen Sukuna."

As Tsurugi was listening, he continued crafting the blade. To be honest, he didn't really have a goal in mind to join. It's not like he wants to be a hero who can save everyone from the dangers of a curse. Besides, what Gojo said means that only the school would benefit from having him join. Plus if he left to attend that would mean he would be leaving Sakura.

"That girl you visited had a small amount of curse energy surrounding her. I'm sure you realized something was off when you noticed that the signs for her conditions were unclear."

"Are you trying to bribe me?"

"No. I'm only giving you information. Whether you go to the school or not is up to you. By going to the school and learning more about the curses, you might find a way to help her but there is no guarantee. Not to mention, if you forge Cursed Tools of high grades you can make a profit which could help you out."

" know, I read something about Senji Muramasa. He wanted to make a blade of steel cutting not the flesh, nor bones and neither life. No, what he aimed for was the clearance of resentment. The cutting of bonds, fate and destiny. That sever karma itself. I want to make his ideal blade. If it can sever fate then......"

Soon Tsurugi began to think about Sakura. There was only one thing he wanted. He wanted to be able to save her from her cruel fate at any costs. If he joins Gojo, he's not doing it to be some damn hero. He's doing it to protect the one person he cares for the most.

"Gojo, does your school have a workshop?"

"I can talk to the principal and ask him for a favor."

As Gojo said this, Tsurugi finished the sword that he was making. It was a dagger with two holes by the tip of the blade, bandages at the base of the blade, and some fur where the guard should be. As he hands the blade to Gojo, the man was inspecting the blade.

"So cool, I guess you really are good with your hands."

"Shut up

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"Shut up......Gojo, right? Can you give me a day to think about your offer? There's a lot of things I need to consider."

"I understand. You have my number saved from when I made my order right? Just use that to call me when you've made up your mind."

As Gojo said this, he walked out of Tsurugi's workshop and left the area. While this happened, Tsurugi changed into his casual clothes as he locks up his workshop and his home as he was going to pay a few people a visit. When Tsurugi walked away from his home, he held an umbrella as it started to rain. Soon Tsurugi walked into a cemetery as he walked forward. When he did, he arrived at two graves. They were the graves of the only family that he had. On the tombstones were the names Kiritsugu and Miyu.

"Dad, sis. I'm sorry it took so long for me to get here. Dad, you were a jujutsu sorcerer once.....tell me, what should I do?"

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