Chapter 7 Ambush

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"My body is made of blades."

As Tsurugi's eyes closed, he saw himself in the wasteland once more. The swords stuck in the ground, the sky being clouded by large hears. This place seemed familiar to Tsurugi, yet foreign at the same time.

"My blood is of iron and my heart of glass."

Soon the scenery began to change. All of the swords began to change. Instead of a variety of swords, they all took the forms of katanas. While seeing this, Tsurugi saw a lone figure standing by himself as he held out his right hand.

I have overcome countless battlefields.
 Not even once retreating,
 Not even once being victorious."

As Tsurugi looked at the man before him, he saw all of the katana in the area shatter like snow crystals as they gathered towards the figure's hand. When this happened, he heard the sound of a hammer hitting hot iron.

"The bearer lies here alone, forging iron in a hill of swords.
 Thus, my life needs no meaning.
This body..............."

~Dream ends~
As Gojo was sitting down with Ichiji, he saw Tsurugi was sound asleep. When he saw this, he assumed that the boy was still exhausted from yesterday. When Gojo shifted his attention to Itadori's body, he spoke to Ichiji.

"You know, I have a bad personality, don't I?"

"I know."

"I'll seriously slap you later, Ichiji. Why would someone like me, who doesn't have the characteristics of a teacher, take a teaching job? Ask why?"


"Because I have a dream."

Gojo looked towards Itadori's body and Tsurugi's sleeping form. Soon he even began to think about his other students. Once he did, he decided to elaborate a bit to Ichiji.

"As you should know from what happened to Yuuji, the establishment is the den of evil in the world of sorcery. Conservative fools, arrogant fool, and simply ignorant's a bargain sale for rotten oranges. I'll hit the reset button on the shithole that the world of sorcery is. It's easy to kill the higher ups, but they'll get replaced and someone who simply kills them won't gain any followers. That's why I chose raise strong and clever comrades. That's why I dump some of my missions on them out of tough love."

"And not because you want to slack off, Gojo?"

"They're all amazing students. Especially third-year Hakari and second-year Okkotsu. They'll become sorcerers who'll rival me."

As Gojo said this, Tsurugi woke up. When he did, he began to look around. When he did, he looked ahead and saw Itdaori's body and froze. Seeing this, Ichiji looked at the same direction and obtained the same reaction. Seeing their reaction, Ieiri decided to address the elephant in the room.

"What are you two looking at?"

"Woah! My dick's hangin' out!"

"Woah! My dick's hangin' out!"

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