Chapter 6 Vessel

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Tsurugi opened his eyes as he saw himself in a pitch black darkness. It was so silent, that it was suffocating. Not only that, he felt as if he couldn't feel his body. When he looked around, he soon heard someone's voice. When he looked ahead, he saw eyes staring back at him from the void.

"Yo there!!!! Never thought i'd see your mug this early

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"Yo there!!!! Never thought i'd see your mug this early."

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

As Tsurugi was asking this, the voice merely laughed at the boy's question. When the figure opened his eyes, he looked at Tsurugi in a mocking manner.

"What's wrong, you look like you've seen something terrible. I came to give you some Advice is to reassuring, it's more of a warning. You thought that battle you just dealt with was bad, you haven't seen anything yet. But you already know the truth, don't you. After all, it's part of the reason why you were so reluctant to take the shot at Sukuna's vessel."

"The truth? What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Simple, you can't save everyone. No matter how hard you try, you know that you can't. After all, you weren't able to save my previous vessel who was with you on that day. But one thing is certain. Whether you win or lose, you're still going to have to suffer and it's gonna happen real soon. Real, real soon."

As soon as Tsurugi heard the voice say this, the shadows began to fade away as the figure was revealing itself. However, one thing caught Tsurugi's attention.

"This creature, it felt like I was face to face with the embodiment of evil and yet.....I felt like I understood him. Though one thing about him surprised me. The moment I looked at face, little did I know.......that I was staring at my own face."

~Dream ends~
Tsurugi woke up in a cold sweat. He was breathing heavily as he held his head in pain. Though for some reason, he couldn't seem to remember the dream he just had. However, when he woke up he looked to the side as he saw one man.

"Yo, Tsurugi. It looks like you healed up nicely."


"I know.....i'm sorry. Dispatching four first-years to rescue five people, with unclear information of whether they're alive or not, and sending them to fight a special's unreal."

Soon Gojo and Tsurugi were now walking through an infirmary. When Gojo opened the door, Tsurugi saw Ichiji in the room along with a body underneath a blanket. While Gojo looked at Tsurugi, he noticed something about the boy.

"His wounds have healed already and it's only been a day since the incident. Not only that, he seems to have naturally high abundance of cursed energy. Just what happened to you?"

As Tsurugi looked at the body on the table, he remembered what happened yesterday. Sukuna ripped out Itadori's heart, Fushiguro and himself fought against the special grade, and Itadori swapped back but died afterwards.

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