Chapter 104 Guide

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"Dammit. I don't get paid enough for all the shit this damn job drags me into!"

"Now now, Izou. Try to calm down, at least we managed to take out the curses in the area."

"Yeah, calm down Dog Izou. Ryouma and Oryou-san can do this without you."

"Oryou-san...please don't provoke him."

Izou was seen standing with Ryouma and Oryou as he begin to drink some sake he brought with him. As this happened, he looked towards the ground as he was starting to speak up.

"Ryouma....what would you be doing if you weren't affiliated with the Jujutsu world?"

"Huh. What brought this question up?"

"Shut up and answer or else i'll slice you to pieces!!!!"

Ryouma sweatdrops as he saw Oryou catch Izou's sword between her fingers and sticking her tongue out at Izou. Ryouma began to think about Izou's question. Soon a smile was forming on his face.

"One day...i'd like to be able to have a family with Oryou-san. Maybe set sail on a boat as I share special memories with them. Though as for a profession....I wouldn't mind being a teacher. Being able to shape a young mind and help them find a path they'll be satisfied with, I would love nothing more than to play that role."

"......I see. As for me, I want to go on a journey. Hone my swordsmanship and what not."

"You know. You really are a genius when it comes to swordsmanship. Maybe you should make a school of your own. Try to lead Jujutsu Sorcerers who fight with cursed tools in the right direction."

"Shut up!!!!"

As Izou said this, he turned around as he began to walk away. While this happened, Oryou and Ryouma began to follow him. Ryouma was a bit worried that what he said rubbed Izou the wrong way only for Oryou to but in.

"You're that flustered by the compliment that you run away. I didn't know you were a tsundere, Dog Izou."

"What was that vixen?!"

"Can you two not fight everytime you speak to each other, please?"

"Besides....I won't be teaching sorcerers. After all, I don't have any cursed energy or a cursed technique due to my Heavenly Restriction. It's a miracle I even get missions. All I got going for me is my lack of presence and abnormal strength and speed. Though....if I were to teach, maybe it'll be to teach some kendo or something."

"....I see. Well then Izou, the next time we meet, it'll be when both of our dreams are fulfilled. Good luck to you."

"Since Ryouma said it, I guess the great Oryou-san will agree that your metal stick waving is alright."

"You bastards........"

"When I think back on that memory, I can't help but think it was my fondest one. Slaying curses, fighting alongside people who didn't look at me as a dog but as Okada Izou. Was that the moment I truly felt alive for once? I don't know, all I know.....was that those people who gave me a glimpse of hope were taken away."

~Flashback ends~
Tsurugi was breathing heavily as he used Kanshou and Bakuya to stop Izou's sword from cutting him down. However, everytime he did, Izou's strikes would destroy his blades which forced him to project more and more copies.

"Heh. You're even more predictable than I thought!"

As Izou said this, he held onto the hilt of his katana with both hands as he slams the blade onto Kanshou and Bakuya, destroying them in the process. Seeing this, Tsurugi quickly jumped away to gain some distance, but he mentally slapped himself for one reason.

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