Chapter 23 Nine Lives

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Nobara couldn't believe what she just saw. With that one strike, Tsurugi cleaved Berserker's upper body from his lower body. Soon the boy coughed up blood as he took a knee. It seems using Myoujingiri Muramasa was taking a toll on him. He dismissed the blade as Nobara looked towards him.

"You sword bastard, he gave you permission to out stage me!!!"

"You're really getting mad at me for that!!!!!! If you got a problem with me doing most of the work, then get good!!!!!"

As the two glared at each other, they soon smirked. They made a pretty good team, though they'll NEVER say it to each other out loud. However, while they were speaking, foreign cursed energy was leaking from Tsurugi's body and onto Berserker's body.

"Oi, you can't just have a happy ending. You need to get stronger, so I don't be as weak as I usually am. Now then, make this choice of mine worth it, Berserker. Push him to the limit."

Tsurugi suddenly felt a chill down his spine, when he looked behind him, he saw the curse's body rising but something was wrong. It gave off an ominous cursed energy as its body was in a dark shadow. Berserker roared as it felt its existence being consumed.


Soon the curse did something that Tsurugi and Nobara couldn't imagine. It began to rip off its own skin, as if it was trying to get rid of something. Soon the being in Tsurugi's soul began to laugh.

"Hahaha! He ripped off his own skin just to stay free of my complete control. But his madness has already been enhanced and its body has regenerated. I looked in your soul and I know your little trick. You need to be killed twelve times to be gone for good. Though in total you only lost about three. Let's see what happens, Berserker."

The curse let out a roar as it kicks Nobara through several trees as she was sent flying back

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The curse let out a roar as it kicks Nobara through several trees as she was sent flying back. The girl was too far away to provide Tsurugi back up. Seeing this, the boy quickly projects Kanshou and Bakuya.

"Damn you!!!!!!"

Tsurugi threw the twin blades at Berserker. The curse swung his axe-sword as he shattered the twin blades upon contact. Seeing this, Tsurugi grunts in annoyance as he needs to come up with a plan and quickly.

"Full Projection, Continual Layer Shooting!!!!!!!"

"Full Projection, Continual Layer Shooting!!!!!!!"

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