Chapter 96 The Blade of Decapitation

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"So you refuse....find then. I'll drag you back by force."

The moment Rider said this, she instantly vanished from Tsurugi's sight. As the boy was looking around, he suddenly heard the sound of chains rattling. He quickly stood in front of Musashi's petrified body as he felt his back being struck by chains.

"Your eyes couldn't keep up with me, yet you still manage to shield your ally. You've got sharp instincts, little boy."

As Rider said this, she kicked Tsurugi in his gut and sent the boy flying. While he was in the air, Tsurugi quickly projected his bow in his left hand and quickly projected arrows in his  then launched them at Rider. Seeing this, Rider smirked as she backflipped away from the projectiles. The moment her feet landed on the walls of a building, she used it as a jumping platform as she propels herself towards Tsurugi.

"An archer's weakness is that the moment their target gets too close, they're basically hopeless in close quarters combat!"

"Trace on."

Just as Rider was about to impale the boy with a dagger, having a similar structure as a nail with chains attached to it, Tsurugi parried her strike as Kanshou and Bakuya were now in his hands. While Rider was in a state of shock, Tsurugi used Reinforcement on his entire right leg and slammed it onto Rider's skull. Soon the woman crashed into the ground as she found herself in a small crater. However a smile appeared on her face.

"You're tired, aren't you, boy? Why do you think Caster and that other doll appeared before you in a place that's not even a colony? If you kill us while not in a colony you won't get points since you're not officially in the Culling Game. Not to mention that all the fighting you've been doing has left you so vulnerable."

When Rider looked above her, she saw several swords about to rain down on her. The woman smirked as she held the danger in her right hand tightly as she threw the one in her left hand up into the air. Soon the woman swung the dagger in her right hand to the side as the chain connected to it and the dagger in the air began to deflect the blades. However, as this happened, Tsurugi projected Kanshou and Bakuya and threw the married blades at Rider. Seeing this, the spirit jumped backwards to avoid the blades.

"This boy......I think I can see why Kenjaku has an eye out for him. I wonder, does he intend for this boy's body to be his next vessel should things not work out?"

"If you think you can fight me while having idle thoughts, then you underestimate me, Rider."

The moment Rider turned around, Tsurugi used Reinforcement on his right arm as he punched the cursed spirit into a building. As the boy glanced behind him, a sigh of relief escaped from his lips. He managed to distance Rider and himself from Musashi's petrified body.

"It's currently five p.m and the tenth of November. Nine days until the deadline. At least i'm taking out the Class Card users."

As Tsurugi was thinking to himself, he swung Kanshou behind him as it clashed against Rider's dagger. While this happened, Tsurugi spun his body as his foot crashed into the right side of Rider's body as she was sent flying into the air. Soon the boy dismissed Kanshou and Bakuya as he held a bow in his left hand and Hrunting in his right.

"I know i'll have a better chance against the Class Card users than most, so taking them out now, even outside of a colony and not getting points, will make the chances of survivability on our side increase, even if it might not be munch."

"My body is made of swords."


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