Chapter 2 Decision

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Tsurugi was standing before the graves of his adoptive father and sister. When he stood before the graves, he had small look of sadness. Soon he began to look at his father's grave. He remembered something that his father said to him long ago.

"When you save one life, you’re generally not able to save another. Tsurugi, you power should never be used for your own benefit. It should only be used to help others. But.....only the people that you, yourself, want to help. Even if it's just one person."

" tried to be a Hero of Justice for everyone, but that's not who I want to be. I think your dream was beautiful, but that's YOUR dream. If i'm going to be a hero of justice....then i'll be Sakura's hero. Plus since her family is insane, i'll most likely help with taking care of her so I also need the money. Sorry....I must be pretty selfish huh."

This is just the type of person Tsurugi is. He has one person he wants to protect and he'll do anything to protect that one person. But if he's going to do so, he'll do it in his own way. As Tsurugi took out his phone, he called someone.

"Yahallo!!! You sure called me quickly, Emiya-kun. Did you miss me? Admit it, you missed me."

"Gojo. I have only two requests. Depending on your answer, I may join you after all."

As Tsurugi was talking to Gojo, the man could tell by the tone of his voice that he was serious. While Gojo was listening to Tsurugi, he told the boy that he was listening closely.

"My first request is that you build a workshop for me at the campus. I refuse to go anywhere if it means I stop doing my job."

"That's understandable, I can ask the principal to do so. So what is the second request."

"There's a girl in a hospital here in Shibuya. Her name is Sakura Matou. I want you to guarantee her safety, not only that, allow me to visit her on the weekends."

"No problem!!!!! Glad to have you on board, you'll be the fourth first-year student. Be sure to take a train to Harajuku. That's where me and two first years will be meeting you and the final first year. Pack whatever you need. Welcome to Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, Tsurugi Emiya."

After coming to an agreement, Tsurugi hung up the phone. When he looked at his father and sister's graves, he gave a small prayer and went back home. Soon Tsurugi made it back to his home. When he did, he called a certain girl.

"Hey, Sakura."

"Senpai? I didn't expect a call from you. Did something happen?"

" turns out i'm moving. I'm going to be attending a different school. But I promise i'll visit you on the weekends and any days I have off. I just.....thought I should let you know."

Soon Tsurugi was met with silence. He would understand if she was mad at him, suddenly calling and saying he was going to leave. In his mind, she has every right to be pissed. However, he wasn't sure of what to expect from her.

"That's great, Senpai!!!!"

"Huh, you aren't mad?"

"Sure i'll be a little lonely, but knowing you, you'd probably still find a way to keep in touch. Plus lately.....I feel like i'm the reason you're missing out on life a bit. I don't want to be a burden by having all of your attention and have life pass you by. That's why, I think this is for the best."

The tone of her voice and the way she giggled. Those two things told Tsurugi everything. She genuinely meant every single word. Though there was one thing he couldn't let slide.

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