Chapter 14 Sakamoto Ryouma

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"This place again...huh?"

Tsurugi stood in silence as he looked at the area around him. A hill of unlimited swords. Though, something about it was different. Unlike the wasteland he saw before, he looked in the sky and saw the moon shining down. Not only that, the area was being covered in snow. This was a lot different from what he saw before, yet it felt right. It felt like something only he could experience.

"You've slowly put one foot at the threshold, but be careful...because if you're not, it will be your own strength that ends you."

Soon Tsurugi felt a sharp pain as he saw the blade of a sword sprouting out of his arm. His whole body shared the same fate as he felt his blood escaping his body as it was rapidly becoming a large mass of swords. As he no longer felt his body, he began to lose his senses as he was in a black void. However....just as he stared at the void, the void was staring right back.

~Dream ends~
"Ryouma......he's waking up."

"Come on, try to sound more sincere that he's alive."

"Huh? But Oryou-san is glad that he didn't bite the bullet."

As Tsurugi was slowly waking up, he looked to the side. He saw a man and a woman standing near him. While the man had a small smile, the woman had a blank expression and a monotone voice to match.

"Where am I?"

"We're in your home. Gojo was kind enough to tell us where you lived when he asked me to take care of you. Sorry about intruding in your place and taking your keys out of your pocket to get inside, but you were in need of desperate treatment."

"Be glad that Ryouma helped you out. Though Oryou-san is the real hero since carrying you was no problem."

Soon Tsurugi nods his head as he looked at the two. He can at least not call them enemies since they left him alive and Gojo was the one who sent them. However, after a few moments of silence, the man realized something.

"Oh, how rude of me. We can't really talk properly without giving a name first. Hello, i'm Sakamoto Ryouma. This lady behind me is my wife, Oryou-san."


As Tsurugi looked at Oryou, he could tell that the woman wasn't human

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As Tsurugi looked at Oryou, he could tell that the woman wasn't human. Yet, she wasn't like the curse that he fought either. Seeing his confusion, Ryouma decided to explain.

"Well...I guess simply put, you could say she's my shikigami."

"Oryou-san's glad she isn't stuck on that mountain."

"Sakamoto-san, Oryou-san. Let me ask, why are you here?"

Sakamoto smiled when he was asked this question. While Tsurugi was grateful to him and Oryou for helping, that didn't automatically mean he had their trust. He could tell this boy was no fool.

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