Chapter 103 Game Start

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"So this is a colony. That Kenjaku bastard sure loves to be flashy, huh."

Tsurugi and Musashi saw a large black cylinder that seemed to surround the entirety of a city. The moment they stepped forward, they heard a voice calling out to them. A small cursed spirit was seen in front of them as it introduced himself.

"Hello, i'm a Kogane. Inside this barrier, a deadly ritual known as the Culling Game has begun. Step inside and you too shall become a player. Are you willing to enter?"

"Hell yeah I am!"

"We wouldn't be here if we weren't willing

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"We wouldn't be here if we weren't willing."

There was no turning back the moment they enter

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There was no turning back the moment they enter. As Musashi looked towards Tsurugi, she nods her head. This is the moment they were waiting for, it was time to get into action.

"Miyamoto Musashi and Tsurugi Emiya have become players. Would you like to hear the rules of the Culling Games?"

"No than-"

"Please don't pay attention to her. Just tell us what will happen if we enter."

"No problem. The moment you step inside of this barrier, both yourself and this lady will be teleported to a random pre-established location once you pass through this barrier. Now then, welcome to the Culling Game."

As Kogane said this, both Musashi and Tsurugi nod towards each other as they stepped through the barrier. As Tsurugi looked downwards, he saw that he was falling from the sky. When he looked to the side, he projected a long sword in his right hand as he stabs it into the building in an effort to kill his momentum. Soon he noticed his speed of descent was decreasing as his feet were now safely on the ground.

"Huh. Looks like my intuition hasn't failed me."

"A signal?"

Musashi was seen eating some udon that Tsurugi made as he was trying to form a plan with her as they were still in the hideout. A sigh escaped from Tsurugi's lips as he shook his head with a playful smile on his face. He wish he could be carefree like Musashi was in this situation.

"It's a precaution. Kenjaku is a methodical bastard. I doubt he'd just let a bunch of sorcerer's enter as a group and try to gang up on at least one of the enemies he's prepared. In case we get separated, I want us each to have a signal that will alert the other of our location in case of an emergency. For instance, if I launch Caladbolg into the air, that'll be my signal."

" seem more like yourself."

Tsurugi looked at Musashi in confusion. As the young lady finished her udon, she looked at Tsurugi with a smile on her face.

"At first, you seemed like you were in a hurry to get in the Culling Game. Now you're a lot more calm and even forming a plan. What changed?"

"Musashi....let's say, someone you love with all your heart died right in front of you. Then you thought of a plan to bring them back and would do anything to bring them back, what would you do?"

Musashi grew silent as she heard Tsurugi's question. This was the one time her carefree attitude wouldn't cut it. However, she couldn't give him a correct answer, just one that she thought was right.

"I'd do everything I can to save them."

"That's what I thought. I thought I wanted to save Sakura because I love her. Don't get me wrong, I do, but that isn't the only reason why I want to bring her's because I failed. I never gave a damn about being a hero of justice...I just wanted to be Sakura's hero and only hers. However, knowing her, she'd probably chew me out for acting like this. If I truly love her....I shouldn't be doing something that I knew she'll probably hate. Instead....."

~Flashback ends~
"........i'll do something that'll make her moving forward."

As Tsurugi was walking around the city he landed in, he noticed something. The city was far too quiet, especially since this is a colony he is currently in. When he looked around, he projected Kanshou and Bakuya in his hands.

"This's like i'm being stalked by a wild animal."

"The way you keep your guard up, even to the way you can tell my presence. You're just like him."

Tsurugi felt a shiver down his spine as he heard this voice. It was just like his own voice at one point. So cold, extremely cold. The only difference was that this voice held emotion, while his didn't. The only emotion he felt from this voice was pure animosity.

"Why don't you show yourself?"

"Why should I? However, I might play along if you answer one question of mine."

Tsurugi quickly looked in the direction from where he heard the voice. As he looked down an alleyway, he saw the silhouette of a man's body. His grip on Kanshou and Bakuya tighten as he looked at the stranger.

"Fine...i'll play along. What is the question?"

"Sakamoto Ryouma..and something named Oryou. Do you know them?"

Tsurugi's eyes widen in shock with what he heard. How did this man know about Ryouma and Oryou? Seeing the boy's reaction, the man scoffed as he unsheathed one of his katana.

"Your reaction was all I needed. Looks like that bastard was right after killed Ryouma!!!!!"

Suddenly Tsurugi held Kanshou and Bakuya in front of him as he used them to stop a sword from cutting down his body. While this happened, he looked at the man who just attacked him as he pushed him back.

"First you ask me about Oryou-san and Sakamoto-san....then you just attack me? Who are you?!"

"I should be asking you the same thing you bastard. You were there when Ryouma was killed, weren't you? That's more than enough reason for me to want you dead. The name's Okada Izou. Sakamoto Ryouma's old partner in crime."


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