Chapter 51 Shibuya Incident X

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As Tsurugi was running through the streets of Shibuya, he stopped for a moment as he felt the pain from his injuries returning. He still had the Archer Class card installed, but he knew he couldn't keep it up for long. While Tsurugi was in thought, he heard the sound of a battle occuring further ahead.

"It looks like I know where to head to now."

As Tsurugi was running towards the source of the loud noises, he was unaware of an apparition emerging from his cursed energy. She had long purple hair and purple eyes. Yet the smile on her face felt ominous. While this happened, the sound of hot iron being struck by a smith hammer echoes in Tsurugi's mind. A single katana slowly being built inside of his domain.

"What's wrong, sorcerers?!"

Alter held his spear in a throwing motion, cursed energy over flowing from it, and threw it at Ryouma

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Alter held his spear in a throwing motion, cursed energy over flowing from it, and threw it at Ryouma. Oryou quickly grabbed Ryouma's hand and pulled him towards her as she jumped backwards. Just as Alter threw his spear and it made contact with the ground, a huge explosion was the result as it destroyed two buildings.

"Eh. Didn't know we were playing hide and seek. Hahahaha!!!!"

Alter quickly turned around and threw a punch. When he did, a huge gust of wind fills the area as his fist collided with Oryou's. Meanwhile, Ryouma held his revolver in his left hand and fills each chamber with large amounts of cursed energy. As he fired six shots at Alter, Oryou quickly flew back so she wouldn't get caught in the cross fire. The shots each caused a miniature explosion upon contact with Alter's body.

"I'll give you an A for effort. But...effort alone isn't enough to stop me!!!!!"

Alter charged towards Ryouma with great speed and grabbed the man by his head. He slammed the man onto the ground and thrusts his spear at Ryouma's chest. Before the spear could connect, Oryou punched Alter in his face so hard that he was sent flying.

"Ryouma....this is bad."

"I know. But, we can't just sit back and do nothing."

As Ryouma said this, he puts his gun back in its holster as he unsheathed Reimei Muramasa. While this happened, Oryou quickly changed into her dragon form. Meanwhile, Alter stood up as he smirked.

"Oh. Now that's more like it. Come, jujutsu sorcerer. This city shall be our battlefield and our grave!!!!!"

Alter swiftly dashed at Ryouma. As the curse thrusts his spear, Ryouma changed the direction it was going by hitting the spear on the side with his katana. While Alter's direction changed course, Oryou coils her body around the curse and began to squeeze Alter.

"Huh. So they have tricks up their sleeves. In that ca-"

"We may be a bit weakened, but that doesn't automatically make you better than us!!!!!"

"Wait....I know that look. No, no, no, no!!!! Don't eat him, Oryou-san! Oh, she ate him."

Seconds after Ryouma told her not to, Oryou flinged Alter into the air and caught him in her jaw. However, Oryou wasn't done. As she opened her jaw, Alter was being blasted outwards as he was inside a blast of cursed energy.

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