Ch-51 Turned To Ashes

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Lu Xi also saw some people with super powers or ability users in their group who were trying their best to kill zombies and other ordinary members were also doing their best and trying very hard to kill zombies and protect ordinary citizens. But maybe they were out of luck right now, many members were injured and they couldn't contain with so many zombies while protecting other people, it was very stressful for them and also to other people who saw this scene, like Lu Xi.

Lu Xi was also feeling down when she was watching this scene, she decided to help them and it also gives her the opportunity, for what she came out, to practice her powers and to practice her hands too.

When she was thinking how to help them, zombies didn't gave her enough time to think more because they found her soon and went in her direction step by step to attack her, to eat her and Lu Xi also saw this situation

She raised her long knife and spin in one direction where almost 10 zombies coming from, but she killed just 1 by removing its head from his body and that zombie's crystal core entered in her space and in the nick of time many other zombies came to her by streching their hands, Lu Xi used her consciousness power to kill them all together which saved the trouble and time.

She then looked in the direction of police and military officers team with other people, they were still trying to save their lives and their situation was not so good, she then suddenly saw one police officer who was using fire ability to wrap the fire around the zombie to kill it, don't know what happened to her but she couldn't bring herself out of that feeling.

She used her consciousness power at the same time to kill those zombies, but strange thing happened. Those zombies didn't just died like before.

When Lu Xi used her powers before to kill zombies, it was just to kill them and get their crystal cores in her space but this time they died and completely died without leaving their dead bodies but turned to ashes and their crystal cores entered into her space with her consciousness power.

Lu Xi became stunned when she saw this situation, those group of people, in their range of 10 meters, all the zombies died and every zombies turned to ashes and went away with wind, nothing left of their remains.

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