Chapter 16

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The atmosphere in the training ground suddenly froze.

Haneda Ren looked at Belmode, and didn't expect such a scene to meet again.

Although Shirley has been using medicine to bring his body's values ​​closer to Belmode's, their intersections are unusually small.

And Belmode still seems to have an impression of him.

Haneda Ren felt that it was impolite to refuse the other party in this situation, but he was too embarrassed to give an affirmative answer to this question.

Fortunately, the people next to him helped him out.

Chianti pointed at the woman and said, "Why are you here, woman!"

Many people know that Chianti has been displeased with Belmode. Haneda Ren is now very grateful for Chianti's dislike.

At this time, Calvados next to him reacted differently from his partner.

He walked over enthusiastically: "Isn't this Belmode? Why did you come here suddenly? Is there anything I can help you with?"

Ren Haneda was next to Chianti, and suddenly admired this man very much.

Belmode stared at Ren Haneda, saw that he didn't speak, and understood what he meant. She shook her hair, exuding the charm of a mature woman: "I heard something interesting in the USA, so I came to see that unlucky Some people are beyond my expectations."

Saying so, the woman looked over the crowd, and looked at Ren Haneda, with a bit of deep meaning in her eyes.

Ren Haneda blinked, and was about to say something when her clothes were pulled.

He looked up and saw Scotland standing in front of him, the shadow hit him, and he couldn't see his expression clearly.

"Don't sit on the floor, Liang."

Haneda Ren didn't expect a man to appear here suddenly, upon hearing this, she got up, and a paper cup was stuffed in her hand.

He froze, and heard Scotland say, "Did you choke just now? Why did you suddenly start coughing?"

Because of being choked just now, Haneda Ren can still feel the tingling pain in her throat, as if her throat is about to break.

He finished drinking the water in the glass, but still felt the burning in his throat.

"I'm fine, I feel better now."

Scotland nodded and didn't ask any more questions. His eyes shifted to other people, and he frowned and asked, "Is she also a member of the organization? It doesn't feel like it."

Ren Haneda thought that Scotland was a sniper, Chianti and the others must have seen it before, but Belmode looked relatively unfamiliar.

He whispered: "Bermod, she spends most of her time in the United States, so she rarely comes here. She is a very mysterious woman, and I have only met her a few times."

Scotland stared at the woman with dark eyes.

If I'm not mistaken, this woman should be...

He wanted to find out more information, but unfortunately Black Norway didn't know much about her, so he had to give up.

It's just that no matter how you look at it, Belmode doesn't seem to have only met Black Norway a few times.

Scotland's eyes moved to the person next to him, and a few traces of doubt flashed in his eyes.

what on earth is it?

Just when the atmosphere of the training ground became a little strange because of Belmode, a voice suddenly sounded from the side.

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