Chapter 36

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Ren Haneda had a good time in the interrogation room, but Ley outside felt not at all good.

When he first heard the news, he went to find the other party.

But his visitation request was denied.

Because this task was done by him and Ren Haneda together, the people above were afraid that the two of them would collude.

Ley investigated and found that the organization did not know that the mission target was dead, so he felt that as long as Haneda Ren said that the mission target was dead, he would definitely be able to come out soon.

But what he didn't expect was that Ren Haneda didn't say anything.

After not seeing the other party come out for so many days, Ley felt more and more uneasy.

Then he waited until Ren Haneda's current partner, Scotland, came with Bourbon.

Seeing that most of the people who came here were people who knew Ren Haneda, Ley began to feel that something was wrong.

Bourbon frowned when he saw him, his eyes were full of disgust: "Why did something happen as soon as I partnered with you?"

Ley thought about it for a while, and it seemed that this was indeed the case. Haneda Ren was injured when he partnered with him last time.

"You won't be cursed, will you?"

After he said this, even Ley himself felt the need to exorcise evil spirits.

He pursed his lips and said in a low voice, "It's a trap."

Scotch's eyes were full of concern: "Tell me what happened that day?"

So they went back to the hotel, and after confirming that they were not under surveillance, Ley told what happened, of course omitting the fact that he knew the mission target was dead.

"So, you didn't see the sniper Haneda Ren mentioned." After hearing what happened, Scotland's expression didn't change very well, and he was still frowning.

Ley nodded.

Sure enough, the others, like him, began to doubt what Ren Haneda said that day.

Ley was also like this, until after the conversation with Ren Haneda that day, he had an inexplicable trust in the other party's words.

"There is no doubt about this, that sniper must exist."

Hearing what he said, Scotland froze for a moment: "Why do you say that?"

The corner of Ley's mouth curled up, and said, "It's just an intuition, I don't think he will lie."

Scotland narrowed his eyes, and before he had time to speak, he heard Bourbon say: "You two, nothing will happen, right?"

Bourbon's complexion was not particularly good either.

What do you think that the other party will not lie? Haneda Ren only said this to Ley, and directly said that Haneda Ren would not lie to him.

Thinking of Ley's attitude towards Ren Haneda before going abroad, Bourbon scoffed.

Tsk, but one task was bought, and Ley is really easy to dismiss.

Thinking of the person still in the interrogation room, Bourbon gritted his teeth.

You have to cause trouble when you go out, right?

Ley raised his eyebrows: "Why, it's just my trust in my partner."

Just as Bourbon was about to say something, Scotland, who had been silent for a long time, said, "What else do you know, why do you say this is a trap?"

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