Chapter 92

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"So, you're going to help Pisk now?"

Ren Haneda said so while holding the mobile phone, still searching for the information that was handed in just now.

He didn't pull out that file until he found the name 'Kabadus'.

Ren Haneda sat on the stool and read the documents.

"I mean, this venue is really boring."

Ren Haneda paused for a moment: "I remember it was the director's funeral, right? Why would Mr. Gin send you there?"

Speaking of this matter, Belmode laughed and said, "Because he discovered the whereabouts of the traitor."

Ren Haneda slowed down the page, "Shirley?"

"What, shaken?"

Haneda Ren clenched her hand a little, "No, this matter has nothing to do with me."

Belmode: "I said, aren't you curious? Why did your Mr. Gin let the two of us come instead of you?"

Ren Haneda opened her mouth, wanting to answer the other party's question, only to hear a man's voice from the other side.

"Isn't this Miss Wynyard? Drinking alone?"

Hearing this voice, Belmode's tone became a little indifferent.

"That's it for now, black Norwegian sauce, we'll talk later."


Before she finished speaking, Haneda Ren heard the sound of hanging up from the opposite side.

"...Don't treat me as a pastime when you're bored."

Haneda Ren complained, he put down his phone and turned his attention to the information in his hand.

Looking at it, he was a little dazed again, and couldn't help but began to care about what the other party said.

Although Mr. Gin didn't say anything, he really didn't trust him anymore.

"Boom boom boom—"

Haneda Ren looked up, just in time to see Grampa knocking on the door, "What's wrong?"

The woman said: "The Kabadus you were looking for has arrived."

He was a little surprised and glanced at the watch on the wall.

"It's pretty quick, let him in."

After a while, a man who felt very familiar walked in. This was Kabadus who ordered him to kill Scotland.

Thinking of this, Ren Haneda narrowed her eyes.

Kabadus said with a smile: "Mr. Black Norway, I heard that you have something to do with me?"

Haneda Ren raised the information in Yang's hand, "Is this the plan you have in mind?"

The man took it over, looked at it, and his eyes showed a bit of enthusiasm.

"Yes! Mr. Black Norway, what do you think of this plan? The evidence in this plan is very detailed. Once it is implemented, the gin who worked for the boss will definitely not be able to escape."

"It can be regarded as a major problem in addition to our hearts."

Haneda Ren also smiled, "It is indeed very detailed, it can be seen that a lot of effort has been put into it."

Kabadus smiled even more when he heard this sentence, "So..."

Ren Haneda: "Rejected."

The man's expression froze.

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