23. Twoset Mash-up Reunion!

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A/N: This special episode is a "reunion" of most of the Bretts and Eddys that have appeared in the previous episodes of this book to date. I tried to throw in almost everybody, even the "real" Brett and Eddy makes a cameo appearance....   Hope it's not too confusing.  At least you will get to meet a  whole lot of Twosets...!!  If you have a favourite, please let me know.  I have a feeling you can guess mine... ;-)


The school principal talked into the microphone from the podium on stage, as he addressed the guests that have gathered in the school hall.

Principal: Hi, thank you all for gathering today, I understand this meeting was requested by our consultants who manage the school's extra-curricular programs, primarily  in regards to the upcoming photoshoot for our school pamphlet for next academic year. How about we start by having each person voice their opinion in a clock-wise manner?

Twoset MMA Brett: Yes, hi, my name is Brett and this is my business partner Eddy, we're the Mixed Martial Arts instructors contracted with the school for your MMA club. We were a bit disappointed seeing this year's pamphlet when the photographer replaced some of our students with the models they brought in with them.

Twoset MMA Eddy: Hi I'm Eddy. Yeah, um, look, not only did the photographers replace our senior students in the front row, they actually told them to lend their senior colour belts to the models! Some were even black belts!! You really can't replace the senior grade students with models just because the models may be more photogenic. It's dishonourable and besides, they just don't look right.

Principal: Are you telling me Eddy that you can tell a student is inexperienced in martial arts just by looking at how he poses?

The MMA Brett and Eddy answered in unison.

"Yes!! And it's not a pose, it's a stance!!"

Twoset Science Eddy: Hi, my name is Eddy and this is my colleague Brett, we're both scientists, we run a Youtube channel called Twoset Science and we're the organisers of your school science workshops. We don't mind you guys doing some iNtErEsTiNg photographs for your school pamphlet to promote the science club but would you please seek consultation either from us or from your science teachers before you take the photos. Photos of students conducting experiments without the correct safety measures will send an undesired message to parents that we are dangerous and irresponsible.

Twoset Science Brett: Yes, this year's pamphlet wasn't made very well in that regard. No safety gear, the chemicals scattered around as props had labels of reagents that aren't even legally allowed in high school laboratories. Some of those will require much more sophisticated laboratory facilities for their use. These props have to be checked before used in the pictures.

Twoset Parent Eddy: Hi, my name is Eddy, I'm the parent representative of the school's parents teachers association, my son Brett is a student here. I just want to say that this school has provided a very supportive learning environment for my son and I really appreciate all the staff that make all the curricular and extra-curricular activities possible!"

Twoset Football Coach Brett: Hi, my name is Brett. ....Has anyone else noticed how everybody who has spoken so far has either been a Brett or an Eddy?? Anyway, I'm the football coach contracted with the school. I would have to agree with the martial arts instructors. I am very against putting models in the school soccer team photo. In fact, I prefer the name football over soccer, but I suppose that is a separate issue. Anyway, excluding the real players to make space for the models is dishonest for starters and really bad for the morale of the real students who missed out being in the photo. And yes, for the record, those in the know can easily tell just by the way they stand or hold the ball if any of the models have never touched a football, absolutely!"

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