181. Twoset Searchers V

99 9 40

"Hello, Brett?"



"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell into the phone!!"

"Brett, you're still yelling!"

Brett lowered his voice, but this time hissed.

"Eddy, Eddy, where are you?"

"I'm literally 100m away from the office. Can I just talk to you once I'm there?"

"Great. No. Turn around now and leave."

"WTF? You know I can't do that."

Brett's voice then turned into what resembled a whimper.

"Eddy..., ...they found out."

"Found out what?"

"About us."


"Work found out about us, Eddy."

"Who exactly at work found out?"

"Warren. And all his mates."

Eddy rolled his eyes and let out a groan.  He could not believe the immature behaviours that some of his colleagues exhibited and the toxicity it resulted in his workplace.

Brett returned to his cubicle in the main office area after making his quick call to Eddy out in the corner of the corridor. He internally groaned when he saw that his pesky colleague had not left his desk yet.

"So, Brett, what made you suddenly scuttle off like that? Where's your other half, the love of your life?"

"Warren, that's such an inappropriate thing to say y'know. It is really against compliance."

"Oh c'mon just joking around a bit. Who would have thought.. you two.. really."

"Who's laughing?"


"You said it was just a joke. Who's laughing."

"No one."

"Then it's no joke, Warren."


Brett recognised that voice instantly. He raised his gaze towards his colleague.

"Morin' Eddy."

"Is everything alright?"

"Sure. I just logged on."

"Okay. Do you mind starting on the follow-up calls? I'll get us coffees while my computer starts up."

"..Okay, thanks.."

They didn't make follow up calls at 8:30 in the morning, it was way too early to make such phone calls to their clients. Brett knew that Eddy was merely telling him to put on his headset and ignore Warren. Brett happily obliged.

Eddy switched on his computer, quickly typed in his login and password. Once he heard his computer start its hum to commence its updates, Eddy stepped away from his desk. As expected, Warren followed him.

"So Eddy, how did this all happen? How long has this thing been going on for?"

Eddy ignored Warren and kept walking away from his cubicle, ensuring he was no longer an earshot away from Brett. Once they were out of the main office area and in the corridor, Eddy turned around.

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