63. Twoset Boyband

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The popular boyband idol group "Fiveset" consisted of identical twin brothers Brett and Brad, their friend from high school Eddy and Jordon and one more boy who auditioned to join the group called Zac.

They were all from Australia except for Zac who joined the group whilst the group was on their world tour in Singapore.

The twins Brett and Brad were very affectionate towards each other, Brett, in particular, was very touchy-feely towards his brother Brad and the fans loved it. He was also very touchy-feely towards his fellow group member Eddy, claiming he was only so because they've known each other since they were pre-teens, but their fans shipped them to no end and all Eddy and Brett would have to do were look into each other's eyes for a few seconds during an interlude of their song and that was enough to make their fans scream the roof off an arena.

Their fans were referred to as "Fivesetters" and each member had a group of fans referred to as a "squad", for example, Brett's fan group was called the "Brett squad." Among the five squads that existed, Brett's was the largest and the loudest at every concert.

During their concerts, the five would wear similar outfits, in particular, the twin brothers wore almost identical costumes. They would usually have one piece of their accessories such as a cap which was a different colour. Halfway through their concert, Brett and Brad would sometimes quickly swap their caps and their fans, especially their "squad members" had to keep track of this swap and scream out the right squad name when the members started their on-stage banter.

The boys would line up along the width of the stage, Eddy in the centre, Jordon and Zac on his sides then the Yang twins on the far ends. Eddy in the centre would usually start. He would scream into his microphone;

"Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's my squaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!?!?!?"

And the fans are expected to scream out;

"Reporting for duty, squad leader Eddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!"

It would then be Zac's then Jordon's, then finally the Yang twins'.

By now, the switch of caps had already happened backstage. Brad who started the concert with a red cap was now wearing his brother's green cap.

"Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's my squaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!?!?!?"

The fans screamed out;

"Reporting for duty, squad leader Breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeett!!!"

It always baffled the members when they'd get it right. Sometimes the audience's reply was practically unanimous for either Brett or Brad. Some of the larger arenas they performed in would only give a teeny tiny view of the boys from the backseats. However, their faces were always shown on a large screen and the fans must be studying the screen carefully to make sure they knew if the Yang brothers tried to swap places. They were getting trickier to catch out because even though Brett was the lead singer, he would sometimes swap parts with Brad and get him to sing the lead.

So on this particular occasion, the fans got it wrong and had called Brad by his brother's name.

This is when Eddy would step towards the twin in question.

"Hmmmmm, are you all sure that's Brett? Let's see if I can find out..."

By its point, the fans would start to go crazy and scream louder and louder. 

Eddy and Brad would stare into each other's eyes for a while and the fans would screech, but would soon realise the chemistry which only exists between Eddy and Brett isn't there.

In such instances, Eddy and Brad don't actually get to stare into each other's eyes for too long because, within a few seconds, Brett would come crashing in and move his brother away from Eddy, by first tackling him and grabbing his cap off and swapping it back with the one on his head.  He would then bashfully face Eddy while the audience squealed and screamed. The whole routine was done so many times at their concerts but their fans didn't seem to get enough of it. The fans actually seem to like it more when they got the Yang twins mixed up, just so that they could watch the following UwU loaded farce that took place.

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