173. Twoset Veterinarian XI (Liszt's curse 1)

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It was a quiet Saturday evening after dinner.  The couple was resting on the sofa, Journalist Brett sat up as his partner, Veterinarian Eddy rested his head on Brett's lap as he lay down.  Their cats, Pag and Nini, both named after Paganini, were both curled up nearby, Pag on Eddy's stomach and Nini next to Brett. Brett ran his hand through Eddy's hair as he asked;

"Hey, Eddy, why did you become a vet?"

"Oh... well, I always liked animals.."

"I remember you once told me about your childhood pet cat...Rachmaninoff?"


"Oh yeah I knew it was a pianist.. Belle must have named him, right?"


"So was it because of him that made you want to become a vet?"

Eddy stared up at his partner.

"..What brought this on?"

"Oh.. I dunno.. you seem very dedicated to your work.. I recently wrote an article about how people land their dream jobs or find their true calling. It made me think about you since you seem very passionate about your job."

Eddy bit his lower lip.

"Yeah.. no doubt it was because of Liszt.. but y'know, Brett, I don't think I ever told you the whole story."

Brett raised an eyebrow.

10 years ago

"Hey Eddy, what order are you up to?"

"Clyde, I'm up to order 24"

"Great, I'll leave you to do 25 as well, cos they're together? I'll start on 26 onwards."

"Got it. Hi, who's next? Hey, thank you for waiting, may I take your order?"

When Eddy started university as a veterinarian science student, he also started working part-time at a busy coffee shop on campus as a barista. He got along well with his follow barista Clyde, who studied history and was a few years older than Eddy. Their teamwork was seamlessly smooth. Clyde was the one who trained up Eddy when he started and because Clyde had a set way of doing things, Eddy simply followed Clyde's lead. It made life easier for the both of them rather than constantly argue over how things should get done. Eddy was easygoing about most things and had a knack for getting along well with most people.

Another 10 years ago

Eddy's family cat Liszt was sick. Liszt was named by Eddy's older sister Belle when he arrived at Eddy's house from the shelter shortly after Eddy was born. Eddy had practically grown up with him.

That day Liszt was unwell and was gagging sporadically. 8 year old Eddy was getting used to the noise Liszt was making and neglected to go check on him when he heard Liszt make noise in the corridor.  Eddy was in the middle of his violin practice and didn't want to stop. That was his excuse.  He was also scared not knowing what to do if Liszt was seriously unwell whilst the rest of the family was out for a quick trip to the shops.

Upon his family's return, Belle asked Eddy where Liszt was and Eddy shrugged. Belle went to search for Liszt and he was nowhere to be found inside the house. Belle's scream followed by her cry told the family that she had eventually found him under the house and Liszt had already expired. Eddy felt horrible. No one in the family blamed him as their family vet had assured them that it was just Liszt's time to go, that it was his way to say goodbye when cats hide like that and that animals instinctively knew they are to die alone and are okay with it. Eddy didn't know how the vet knew these things with certainty, he was sceptical and thought the vet was only saying these things to make him feel better.  The guilt of neglecting Liszt on the last day of his life and letting him die alone stayed with Eddy for a very long time. At age 8, Eddy had already decided he wanted to become a vet when he grew up.

Back to Eddy's uni days

Eddy and Clyde were on their coffee break. They sat on bar stools near the coffee counter as they sipped their coffees.

"So Eddy, how's uni?"

"Oh, it's alright. Busy with a lot of prac work."

"What was it you were studying again? You just started this year, didn't you?"

"Yes. Vet science."

"Cool. Sounds pretty busy. And you work quite a lot of shifts with me here too. So do you have time left for anyone special?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Oh, y'know. Do you have enough time for her?"


Clyde shrugged and grinned.

"Or y'know, I suppose it could be a he?"

Brett's face immediately popped into Eddy's mind and he blushed and stammered.

"I... No, no I don't have any spare time for anyone special with all my studies and my coffee shop shifts..."

Clyde looked at Eddy suspiciously.

"Are you sure? It looks like you're blushing Eddy?"

Eddy felt a bit uncomfortable. He wasn't prepared to share the somewhat confused feelings he's been having lately towards his best friend.


Eddy looked up from his coffee cup. Not that he really needed to look up to find out whose voice that was.

"Oh hi, Brett."

Upon greeting his best friend since his early teens, Eddy put down his coffee cup and he squeezed past Clyde to step back behind the counter and his hands moved in autopilot to prepare Brett's coffee. Of course Eddy knew exactly how Brett liked his made without asking.

"Hey Brett"

Clyde knew Brett as Brett was a regular customer and had already been introduced as Eddy's best friend.

"Hi Clyde.  So Eddy, weren't you on a break?"

"That's okay, we're not that busy. So, Brett are you finished for the day? Heading home with your coffee?"

"Nah, unfortunately I gotta head back for a tutorial. It's a feedback session for my Journalism class so I can't skip it. Can I come back here to see ya afterwards? It will be around the time you finish up your shift."

"Yeah, of course you can. I've been wanting to ask you about this bit I've been practising that I've been having problems with.."

Brett nodded.

"Don't tell me. Bar 87?"

Eddy turned around from the coffee machine in surprise.

"WTF how'd you know?"

Brett grinned.

"I know."

Clyde sidled up to Eddy who was adding the finishing touches to Brett's coffee and whispered.

"Ya sure there's nothin' going on between you two?"

Eddy tried his best to do what his best friend did best, a deadpan.

"Oh c'mon Clyde, I've known Brett since I was 13, that's all."

Clyde grinned.

"Okayyyy, I suppose if you say so.."

"Yeah, I say so."

To be continued...

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