65. Twoset Boyband III

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Brad's phone gave off a ping. Brad checked his phone.

"Brett, I just got a text from Eddy. You left your phone in his room."

"Oh.. I better go get it.. um, Brad.. will you be okay for a bit while I go and talk to him? I think I owe him an explanation..."

"Yeah, of course, bro. Of all people, you really should talk to Eddy...."


Brett knocked on Eddy's door.

Eddy opened the door in silence.

"Hi Eddy..."

Eddy gave a stern look and shoved his hand towards Brett. He practically pushed the phone into Brett's chest. Brett tried to grab Eddy's hand but Eddy withdrew too quickly, leaving only the phone in Brett's hands.


"Good night, Brett."

Eddy's voice was very cold and emotionless. He proceeded to close his door.

"No.. wait..!!"

Brett stuck his foot in the door.

"F*ck Brett, don't do that, what if you injure yourself."

"Eddy, please, let me in and talk to you.."

Eddy narrowed his eyes.

"..Isn't it a bit too late for that?"

"I'm sorry I couldn't explain things to you beforehand... of all people, you deserved to know first. I was going to talk to you first, I swear."

Hearing this still didn't make Eddy's eyes soften at all. He simply let his cold gaze shift away from Brett.

"...Suit yourself."

Eddy turned away and walked into his room. Brett followed him in.

Eddy abruptly turned around to face Brett.

"So, just exactly when you were going to tell me that you're only leaving Fiveset for Brad ?"

"Eddy... our recording label insisted that he couldn't quit. He's my brother. I would cut my arm off for him."

"I know you would.."

"Eddy, I'd cut my arm off for you too."

"OMFG I don't want you to even say crazy sh*t like that Brett. ...I just want you to be happy...is quitting Fiveset gonna make you happy, Brett?"

"...I think I could get used to the idea..."

"The thing is, I don't know if I'd want to continue if you're leaving Brett."

"Eddy, I don't want you to quit because of me."

"Well, you're quitting because of Brad, what's the difference?"

"Eddy, Brad's homesick. Our gran is unwell. As in, really unwell. Brad was her favourite and it would destroy him if he couldn't be with her now."

Eddy furrowed his brows.

"Oh.. I'm sorry to hear that Brett.... I didn't know. I remember you telling me how much she meant to him."

"Yeah.. there was a time when she practically raised him...when Brad and I together were too much of a handful."

Eddy smiled.

"You mean, YOU were ?"

Brett looked up at Eddy, tears had filled up his eyes.


"..I blame myself Eddy... my parents didn't trust me with gran cos I was way more hyperactive than Brad. They thought I'd exhaust her too much and they couldn't do that to her. So they sent Brad, the quieter one over to her all the time."


Eddy put his arms around Brett.

"So, Brad's been off because he's been wanting to go back home?"

"Yeah. He wants to be with nan.. till the end. I really want to be with him when that time comes. I'm scared he'll break into pieces if I'm not there with him. But it's hard enough just to get the recording label to let go of Brad now, let alone myself as well.  I know it's a business and people's livelihoods rely on our group's existence and stuff, but..."

Eddy rested his chin on Brett's head and whispered. 

"You guys just had your birthday, if you were to stay till your 30th, that's almost a whole year away."

Eddy felt Brett's arms tighten around his waist.

"I know... I'm negotiating with the record label... to see if they'd let Brad go earlier..."

"Sh*t Brett.. but as you said before, they'd probably want to promote your birthday as a twin birthday, wouldn't they.  They'd want both of you there."

Brett looked up into Eddy's eyes.

"I know. Look, Eddy so I've been thinking... You know how there's me and Brad; and then there's you and me in Fiveset?"


"Oh c'mon, you know what I mean... like the pair that the fans dig. They really ship us."

Eddy grinned.

"Um... yeah... So?"

"So I wanted to negotiate, with your permission, the record label to let Brad leave early on the basis that we'd promote US more.. till my birthday."

"What.. ooooh...you mean the whole shipping thing??"

Brett buried his face back into Eddy's chest as he muttered.

"A-hoy captain."

Eddy raised his eyebrows.

"Oh my f*cking god, Brett, dude. You do realise that's gonna be a whole year of avoiding death by cringing."

Brett let out a soft giggle that tickled Eddy's chest.

"Exactly. So now that I've told you my grand plan, would you do it for me Eddy? Please?"

Eddy sighed and tightened his hug back.

"Brett, anything for you, you know that."

"Thanks man... this means so much to me."


A/N:  This concludes the trilogy of "Twoset Boyband".  Thank you so much for reading <3

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