187. Twoset Psychic III

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The young couple had just finished their dinner and was about to relax on the sofa together. They sat on the opposite sides of the sofa as they asked each other random questions.

"Weirdest jobs?"

"Yeah Brett, have you had any? I'm particularly interested in any jobs you had because you are.. y'know."


"Oh, y'know. I dunno how it's said best.. because of your special talent?"

Brett smiled.

"That' a nice way to put it Eddy, thanks."

"So.. have you?"

"Hmm.  Actually Eddy, I once did apply for a lifeguard job for some rich guy's swimming pool at his house."

Eddy raised an eyebrow.

"Hang on Brett, were you a strong swimmer?"

"Not really, but the person who suggested I apply said that you didn't have to be."

Eddy furrowed his eyebrows.

"That's a weird job description for a lifeguard job at a swimming pool?"

"Yeah I thought so too but it turned out we just mistook it as a lifeguard job. It was actually a guard job."

"..I don't understand."

"Well I was told there'd been a few cases of bodies found floating in this particular swimming pool and so the owner wanted someone to keep an eye on what goes on at night at his pool"

Eddy recoiled in horror.

"I.. I don't think that kind of job is in line with your special skills."

"Too bloody right Eddy. I said I'm no bouncer, nor  clairvoyant that can read into the future, so I got out of there without going any further with the interview."

"Geez, so.. even if people know you by word of mouth people still misinterpret your.. skillsets, huh?"

"Yeah. They get everything mixed up. Some think I'm a wizard, others a fortune teller, clairvoyant.. even a f*ckin' fairy.... Oh, for goodness sakes Eddy!! Stop laughing!!"

"S.. sorry. You'd make an adorable fairy though."

Brett rolled his eyes.

"I don't even consider myself psychic."

"..You don't?"

"No. I don't really have any special skills as a psychic.. I suppose the closest thing would be mediumship.. otherwise known as channelling.. it's the ability to communicate with spirits.. But I can't even do that properly, we can only sort of notice each other and that's about it."


"I just seem to have an extrasensory perception to see spirits during my time of the month and once they realise that I can see them, they all start to gather around me.... Oh."

Brett froze.

Eddy furrowed his eyebrows.

"Brett? What is it? Are you alright? Hang on, you just had your.. it can't be happening again already?"

"Oh. No, no, no, I just remembered something.. perhaps this may constitute a job related to my special talent .."


"This was also a job I was told to apply for by someone who knew I had so-called special skills...."

"Hi, I'm Brett Yang, I have an interview appointment at 10:15. I heard about this job through some people I know."

"Hello, Brett. I guess these are the people we know, too. I see what you mean, you seem to have a calming effect. Almost like a dolphin. You must give out alpha waves. Great. Would you mind taking a walk around the building? I'll watch you on the monitor with our surveillance cameras. Our office junior, Jason will lead the way."

Jason a young man who sat in the corner of the office rolled his eyes and whined.

"Ugh, do I have to?!"

"Yes, you do Jace. C'mon this is basically the only job you have around here. Besides, I get the feeling this guy could be it. We know the same people."

"Fine, so just a normal walk around the building? Okay, let's go."

"So..Jason was it? What should I be looking out for?"

"Oh.. I have a feeling you'll know when you see it. "

"See what?"

"...well, for starters, THIS."

As Jason unlocked and opened up the first office room, Brett noticed papers and small objects were flying around everywhere. He gasped.

"What the..."

The minute Brett let out his voice to be heard, everything in the room that was flying around; photocopy papers, books, folders and stationery - they all stopped dead in their tracks in mid-air and fell to the ground.

Jason looked at Brett in disbelief.

"Wow, so guys like you really exist..!! The boss will be really pleased!!"

Eddy was confused.

"So Brett, you actually saw them?"

"No, I just saw what Jason saw. I just saw the stuff they were throwing around. It wasn't... err.. my...time of the month.. so I couldn't see any spirits.. only the real stuff they were throwing around."

"But they still heard your voice? And they liked your voice?  It calmed them down?"

"...Um.. yeah I guess.. I didn't know my voice had that effect on them."

Eddy's eyes shot open.

"Are you kidding? I love the sound of your voice, it is very soothing, particularly in the lower register. You don't need to be just a spirit to appreciate it."

He then blushed and stammered.

"So, um... Brett,  why do they tend to bother you more when it's your... time of the month?"

"Um... well.. I.. I think it's because they get too excited when they work out that I can see them.. they are usually unseen and they want people to notice them."

"Hmm I suppose that makes sense. Okay, so Brett, your job  involved watching surveillance footage of the building all day??"

"Yeah. It was a pretty cushy job.  Often quite boring as far as jobs go. I just wished the places I got sent to weren't all bloody haunted...!"

Eddy grimaced.

"But Brett that was the whole point though, wasn't it?"

Brett shrugged.

"Yeah, I'm afraid so. Otherwise, I'd be pretty useless as an ordinary security officer.

"So what exactly did you do?"

"Well, I'd watch the security camera monitors till a party erupted by the spirits somewhere in the building and then I'd go and check it out. My voice supposedly had a calming effect on them that settled the mischievous spirits once I said something in the room..."

"Hmm, so you keep saying calming effect, hey?  How iNtErEsTiNg..."

Eddy scooted along the sofa to position himself closer to Brett. He grinned and wriggled his eyebrows.  Brett eyed out Eddy suspiciously.


Eddy nuzzled into the crook of Brett's neck and whispered.

"..Your voice also has the opposite effect on certain humans."

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