185. Twoset Diary (Eddy's)

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Monday 9th August

OMG I'm so frickin' annoyed with Ray, he said I can't be a fan of Hilary Hahn because he became her fan first and he's her number one fan. Oh c'mon as if he's the first person to notice how talented and gorgeous she is?!?!

Tuesday 10th August

Okay so all good with Ray, we decided that together we will be Hilary Hahn's number one fan!!! So cool. Hope I get to see her in person one day...

Wednesday 11th August

OMG, that Brett next door!! He's been visiting me through my bedroom window for almost 3 years now since we were like 13, 14 years old, he's practically like my brother except he got pissed at me when I said that to him.

He said I had no idea because I don't actually have a brother but Brett does and he says he can't stand him sometimes and for him to think of me as his brother is weird. What the frick? He's the one that's gone all weird.

He scoffed at me when I said I love Hilary Hahn, he said Janine Janson is way better so I've stopped talking to him.

Thursday 12th August

OMG why does everything have to be so frickin' complicated?! Shaun told me after school that he likes me and now my BFF Ray won't talk to me because he now tells me that he's always liked Shaun!! But he's never told me?! Ray was the one that lead on that he didn't like anyone in particular except Hilary Hahn and now he is so stroppy with me. Ugh, why do people go all crazy with their crushes?!

Friday 13th August

OMG so it's Friday the 13th!! That might explain why everything is going down the toilet. 

So Shaun asked me if we could hang out after school like just the two of us and it felt a bit weird so I said no. I mean I like him but I think he likes me more.

I'm still really upset Ray stopped talking to me so I was actually glad Brett did even though I've been ignoring him since.. when? According to my diary, since Wednesday. Still pissed at him for dissin' Hilary Hahn. And worse we actually got into a fight I can't even remember how, he started yelling at me, something about Shaun, I can't even remember now, I'm so pissed!!!

I just want things to go back to the way things were between Ray and I. Also between Brett and I, too. I can't stand Ray's cold shoulder and this stupid fight between Brett and I, who am I meant to talk to now?!?!

Sat 14/8

eddy, sorrie about writing in youre diary like this and sorrie i upset u, shaun told me he likes u and asked if i did too, so awkward so i said nah your like my brother which reminded me of our fight and kinda freaked me out, so i got cranky at u, im sorrie.

im sorrie to hear ray wont talk to you just cos shaun likes u, that sux not youre fault.

talk to me anytime, fighting sux i wanna stop.

i didn't diss hilary hahn I just like sertain pieces by janine jansen better but i do like hilary hahn too. i swear.

your not like a brother to me.

so.. you like shaun? how much do you like him?


Sunday 15th August

OMFG Brett I should kill you for reading my diary!!!!!!!!

By the way the chicken scratch you call writing is pretty hideous and your spelling is atrocious.

Okay so if you don't like me referring to you as my brother I won't. What am I to you then? Like I know we're like BFFs like Ray and I are but I think we're a bit more than that. That's why I used the word brother but if it grossed you out, I'm sorry.

Ok I believe you when you say you like both Hilary and Janine. I think some of Janine's pieces are amazing, too.

I like Shaun as a friend but I think he likes me a bit more than that but I am certain that I don't.

Mon 16/8

eddy are u now gonna leave youre diary outside youre bedroom window for me so i can write stuff in it, i was certain u were gonna punch me then hide it. or maybe even burn it. i'm not grossed out about you in any way, just feels awkward to regard you as my brother that's all. kinda like me having no idea about having a sister i think it would be kinda sweet but i suspect it's not always all peechy.

Tuesday 17th Aug

No, I'm not gonna punch you next time I see you, I promise. And I kinda now get what you mean, you probably have some unrealistic ideas about having a sister {{{cringe}}}. Ok so we won't ever refer to each other as brothers then. Deal.

Wed 18/8

eddy ok so i lied about freaking out about us regarding each other as brothers i really dont mind that at all, sure it doesnt feel entirely true but no big deal, id be honoured to be regarded as your brother but you mean more than that like you said too i hope we might be on the same page.

Thursday 19th Aug

Brett, I don't understand. What do you mean by same page?

Fri 20/8

well eddy i think what i like about you the most is how we can like the same things like you and ray like hilary hahn or different things like i like janine jansen and we can still respect each others choises (eventually). i don't want to be with someone that always likes the same things cos that would be boring, i liked it when you were so excited and insisted i listen to hilary hahn's bach cos you were rite, it was epic and i was so glad you made me sit down with you and watch it on youtube together but what i enjoyed more was watching youre face looking at that screen and seeing how excited you were about the music cos i find that fassinating (can't spell).

Saturday 21st Aug

Brett, I haven't seen you in a week, will you please come over not just to drop off the diary but actually see me, I miss you.

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