78. Twoset Veterinarian III

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"Eddy.. wake up, please.. Eddy..!!"

"...Brett? What the.."

Eddy didn't respond well to interruptions to his sleep.

"Eddy, I woke up to this weird noise.. Something's wrong with Nini..."

Eddy's eyes shot open and he swiftly got out of bed.

Nini was their cat, named after Paganini.

"...Where is she?"

"I put her in the main bathroom.."

Eddy dashed to the main bathroom and saw Nini placed on a towel.

"...Was she sick?"


"Do you still have what she threw up?"

"Yeah, it's all in that plastic bag with the paper towels I used to clean up. Can you have a look at her while I clean up the rest ?"

"Yep, thanks Brett."

"Brett, Nini looks like she has an internal blockage and needs surgery.. I've called the on-call senior vet who said I could go in and start now."

"What, it's 4 am in the morning...!!"

"Yeah, he agreed to come in for me within the hour. I'll go now and prep so we can start as soon as he arrives.  Look, it's a small incision on her tummy and hopefully, it won't get messy. I'll text you once I'm done, okay?"

"No, please call me Eddy."

"Okay, I promise."


"Hey Brett. The surgery went smoothly. You can come in and see her, anytime after 9 am, I'm just gonna stay at work, okay?"

"Oh my god that's a relief.. thanks Eddy.. see you at 9."

"Hi, Eddy."

"Hey, Brett. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. But you must be exhausted."

"I'm okay. Look, I've put Nini in the examination room 1, you can go see her and I'll be with you in a minute, okay?"

"Okay, thanks Eddy."

Brett made his way into examination room 1 and saw Edwina, the receptionist and vet nurse keeping an eye on Nini, who was lying on the examination table.

"Good morning, Brett, Nini's been a very brave little girl. Are you good to take over? Her tummy's a bit shaved and has few stitches.  She's still a bit sedated so you need to keep an eye on her so she doesn't try to get up and walk around."

"Okay, thank you Edwina."

"Your vet.. I mean, Eddy will be with you shortly."

Brett smiled.

"Sure. Thanks."

Shortly after Edwina left, Eddy entered the examination room in a lab coat and a clipboard. 

"So Brett, the good news is, Nini's gonna be fine. Her operation was a breeze. Hey girl... she's awake. So Brett, can I have a banzai.. y'know, hands up?

Brett raised an eyebrow but was so relieved that his favourite cat was going to be okay that he obliged.

He shot his arms up into the air and exclaimed;


Eddy wailed and ran out of the examination room screaming.


What the f*ck!?!?

Brett stood in the silent examination room with his hands still up in the air wondering what the hell just happened.

Then it hit him.  He lowered his hands to hold his head.

F*ck, Eddy wanted me to hold up Nini so he could check her operation stitches...!!

Brett groaned and wondered how long it will take for Eddy to stop laughing and come back.

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