128. Twoset Teachers XIII (special episode - writing challenge)

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A/N: This was an episode written as a writer's challenge from dustman22 which I have accepted:

to create a piece of writing that is set in a fantasy world and the main object is something unusual!

I have stayed in my Twoset fan-fic genre writing this. I hope you enjoy it!!

You can go check out  dustman22's piece, too, the book is called "The Great Wizard".


1. Potions – my favourite subject

Brett called out to his colleague;

"Hey Eddy, are you teaching Potions next ?"

Eddy hissed.

"Shhh!! Brett! It's called Chemistry here, remember?"

"Oops, sorry, my bad."

Eddy bit his lower lip. At this rate, Brett would get them exposed and expelled from the human world that Eddy so much wanted to stay in. He looked at his "colleague". Brett looked sad for stuffing up his words. Eddy felt bad hissing at him.

"So... Brett what about you? Where are you off to next ?"

"Oh, um.. I'm just teaching the ..juniors ..a Year 7 class some basic... science... it's not even ...chemistry."

Eddy smiled.

At least the guy is trying..

"Okay, well good luck with that."

"Thanks Eddy.."

Brett looked up at his "colleague". Then he noticed something and stepped closer to him.


"Um.. yeah?"

"What's this you've got here..."

Brett used his thumb and index finger to pinch out an object from Eddy's shirt pocket.

"Oh sh*t..."

Much to Eddy's embarrassment, he was carrying one of his shorter wands in his pocket.

"OMG I... I must have mistaken it for a pen when I was rushing out the door this morning..."

Brett raised an eyebrow, shook his head and clicked his tongue;

"Tsk tsk tsk.. that's pretty naughty Eddy... much worse than getting a few words mixed up. My, my, if our Dean found out he might even make you do lines... I will not take my wand to human school... you might have to write that out 50, 100 or even 200 times ?"

Eddy blushed. He was so embarrassed for making such a basic mistake. Brett chuckled. He gazed at the wand in his hand admiringly.

"Oh Eddy, this thing is so tiny and cute. It fits perfectly in my dainty hand... in fact, isn't this a bit too small for a man of your size?"

Eddy blushed even further.

"WTF... what are you implying !?"

Brett raised an eyebrow and tilted his head innocently.

"Oh? I'm just asking if this little wand may be too small for your big hands..."

Eddy face palmed himself.

What if I ain't no violinist?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ