132. Twoset Doctor and IT security engineer

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"F*ck. F*ckity, f*ck, f*ck, F*CK !!"

Brett impatiently clicked on his mouse as he held down the Ctrl button. He gritted his teeth.


He pushed his desk and skidded backwards on his chair and threw his hands up in the air.

He then immediately hunched over as he scrunched up his face.

"Brett...? Are you alright? You better get that checked out."

His colleague was referring to the abdominal pains Brett has been having.

"Yeah.. I've got an appointment this arvo."

In fact, it was like his ..third? fourth? one.  Brett was losing count.

"Mr Brett Yang"

"Yes. Hi Dr Chen."

"Hi. Eddy, please."

"Okay, hi, Eddy."

"So what brings you here today?"

"Abdominal pains."


"Yeah. I'm still in pain. A lot. It's become more frequent."

"That doesn't sound good. ...So tell me, Brett, are you getting enough sleep?"


Eddy raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Y'know. You lie down on your bed and you close your eyes?"

"No.. that's an unfamiliar activity to me."

"OMG Brett I hope you are joking, but for the record, I don't find it funny."

"I don't either. But I'm working ridiculous hours and I'm really not getting much sleep at all..."

"Brett, what did you do for a living again? Did I write it down in your chart here..."

"IT security. I go to work, work, come home, log in from home, work..."

"That's messed up. Do you ever log off? Like, y'know, un-plug??"

"No... I'm on call all the time.. I'm basically working all the time."

"Brett.... Last time you told me this, you started crying in my office."

Brett blushed.

"Um... Yeah I suppose I did."

6 months ago, Brett had run into Eddy's medical practice claiming he had a terrible rash all over his back which was driving him crazy. Eddy would not have believed him upon first glance of Brett's beautiful complexion of his face. Once Brett removed his shirt and turned around, Eddy was mortified of the extent of the rash which was weeping a fluid tinged with blood. Brett had stammered.

"I.. I can't even wear my business shirts anymore because they get stained..."

"Brett... not being able to wear white business shirts should be the least of your worries..."

"Well.. I'm really worried if this is ever gonna get better... there're bits of my skin that have split where the rash is really bad and it's bleeding.. it's quite painful..."

"Brett.. lemme just ask you something.  ...Have you been under a lot of stress lately?"

This was when Brett burst into tears.

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