Author's Note - Update Progress

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Hello everyone, 

I hope you're doing well no matter what time of day this message reaches you. I've been trying to avoid sending out one of these because I know how it feels to wait for a story update and it's just a note from the Author. However, I think it's necessary since I keep getting messages regarding the story's status.

This story is still being written. In fact, one chapter is already completed, and the art is in progress. It was originally supposed to come out the weekend of my last announcement, but I discovered that I had asthma in the worst way possible, so it was unfortunately delayed. 

The next plan was to release a mass update of about 4 to five entries: two to three chapters and two special story entries, including chapter art. However, I've been helping my family out a lot since they need the extra set of hands. Which leads us to where we are now. I'm still running with my second plan of doing the mass update. The second chapter is almost complete while the two specials still need to be written. Not to mention the chapter art which as previously mentioned has already been started. 

I'm still in the process of writing but please also keep in mind that it is the beginning of the spring semester. Which means I will be writing during my free time. As much as I love this story anything regarding my family and myself will take precedence. If there are any questions either direct message me, comment in this section, and/or post on my message board. As always I ask for your continued patients with this story.

- Iteza_8

P.S. - I have included one of the sketches for a chapter below. I hope you like it. :)

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