Chapter 56- Earthlings

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait, life has been super busy for me. I had to finish up on my first commission and a bunch of other things. Overall I've had a lot going on lately, but things are kinda mellowing out now. I just need to get back in the swing of things. Thank you for your patience.

One more thing I've decided for the most part I'll write in 3rd person. Unless I think a specific scene requires the perspective of one character in particular.

P.S. I'm trying something new for this chapter. Instead of one piece of artwork for the chapter I've been thinking about doing two or more(no more than like four or five) drawings for scenes in the chapter.

Please let me know what you think and if you would like me to continue every now and then for dynamic chapters or even lighthearted ones

And as per usual I'm still taking questions for the next Q&A


The trio stared at the quartz soldier. All of them silently wondering where Blare was but Amethyst, blinded by her desire to fight took a step forward. "Jasper!" Amethyst called, her eyes narrowed with a burning rage. "What is she doing?" Peridot asked, nervous about all of the gem monsters, more specifically the ones that could attack at any time. "She's been collecting monsters." Steven answered. Why? Blare couldn't have let her do this, right? But that time on the beach he was with her. Are they really working together? No, I can't think like that there has to be a reason for all of this. Steven thought, hoping that Blare didn't abandon them.

"Pipe down!" Jasper yelled, kicking the canyon wall. The gem monster continued to growl at her despite this. "You take orders from me now. You used to be a quartz too, didn't you? What happened to you?" Jasper sneered looking at the feral gem. "I can't believe I've resorted to recruiting you-" "That's enough Jasper. You've insulted her enough already." Everyone looked up turning in the direction of the voice. Emerging from a different part of the Kindergarten was, Black Diamond. "You know I'm right Black. She's almost as bad as that Crystal runt." Jasper smirked. Amethyst clenched her fist in anger ready to beat the gem into the ground.

"She helped us last time. You could at least give her that. Carnelian never would have made it out of our last fight without her." Black pointed out, with a slight frown from Jasper's last comment. "That's only because you refuse to fight them. You can't deny that you don't hate them and this planet." Jasper retorted. The hidden trio watched the interaction with bated breath, but when Blare said nothing they couldn't help but to question his sincerity. Black didn't exactly know what to say. Sure he loved a lot of things about this planet, but that would never be enough to smother the disdain he held towards the events that took place here. "Just look at her. This planet ruins everything." Jasper said, watching the gem bite on the singular bar that 'held it.'

"Well, except for me." She laughed. Black Diamond just rolled her eyes in response. Steven and Peridot watched the two intently. Peridot unconsciously taking note of the strange and out of character mannerisms of the Diamond. "We should go back to the temple and grab reinforcements." Peridot suggested. Steven nodded in agreement, "Yeah, that's a good idea. Amethyst?" Steven turned to look for her but the place where she stood was empty. The two gems began to panic before Steven spotted her. "Amethyst he called out to her, worried about what she was about to do. Peridot turned to where he was pointing and gasped.

"I'll never let this planet twist me like it twisted you." Jasper continued. By now Black Diamond settled on sitting next to the corrupted gem running his fingers through her mane with his eyes closed. Oblivious to the impulsive actions of Amethyst as she crept along the side of the canyon to attack Jasper, while she was distracted with the now relaxed gem monster. "Your weakness embarrasses Homeworld. You suffer because it's what you deserve." Jasper said causing the gem monster to snarl at her. Black frowned wondering if she thought the same about him. "We all get what we deserve." Jasper said going to poke the gem but Black gave her a look.

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