Chapter 21- Full Disclosure

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Blare's Pov

We need to find them. I need to find them they'll destroy each other. "That could have gone a lot worse." Pearl said. "It could have gone a lot better too." Garnet countered. Amethyst began celebrating, but sadly I couldn't share the joy with her. "Things are going to be a lot different now. " I said staring into the sea. "But that's okay, whatever happens I'm sure we can handle it." Garnet replied placing her hand on my shoulder. 


It's only been a day since we battled the Homeworld gems. A day after I revealed my form, a day were I let who I truly am be discovered. "But if only for a moment it felt nice." I said sitting on the beach. The two gems I connected to from Homeworld. And I wonder if I could have stopped them from entering their prison on Earth. 

I couldn't help but to think over the past 4,013 years. My encounter with the Homeworld gems, proves that Yellow meant what she said. I'm an asset to Homeworld, and they would never stop looking for me. I got luck this time. The ship crashed meaning my location was safe. "Whatcha thinking about?" I turned to see Amethyst laying in the sand next to me.

"My life on Homeworld." I answered looking back at the ocean. "You're not worried to about this?" When I didn't answer she sighed loudly. "Come on Blare you got nothing to worry about. We got this everything will work out." She said. "But that's the thing, you don't know that. We were defeated on our own turf. A decisive victory." I elaborated but she didn't seem to understand. "Whatever you say but I still think your worrying too much. By the way what was up with Jasper calling you Black?" 

I froze in place. What am I suppose to tell her? Does that mean the others heard that to? Wait relax this is Amethyst, she doesn't know a lot about the Diamond Authority. "She meant it in a derogatory manner. I'm off-color it's her way of making me remember my place in Homeworld." I turned to gauge her expression. I was relieved to see understanding in her expression. 

How long can I keep this up?


"Aww come on." Amethyst complained. "No whining we need to start cleaning up the debris." Garnet reprimanded. " Garnet's right people are already coming back to town." Pearl pointed out. "We've gotta to keep them of the beach, if any humans got access to gem technology they could really hurt themselves. Maybe we should shut them out for good." Steven suggested a frowned at his sudden change in persona. 

"You know we did once have a fence. Let's get a new one with barbed wire!" Pearl said her enthusiasm made me smile. "I did enjoy when we had the fence. It helped to keep the weirdos away, especially annoying conspiracy theorist." I said smiling at the idea of getting a new fence.  "This time let's build a moat. I can be the crocodile! Jazz hands." Amethyst cheered shape shifting her head, but me and Pearl weren't impressed. 

"No." Garnet said I smiled happy she agreed with the fence. "Why not?" Amethyst asked. "You always say you'll be the crocodile but you never commit." Pearl said. "Then the weirdos and nosy people get in. A fence is a more assured way of keeping people out." I added Pearl nodded in agreement. "No fence either." Garnet said. "Garnet." We all whined. "Steven needs to see his father and his friends." Garnet said I sighed knowing she had a point.

"No I don't I can't keep clinging to the vestiges of my humanity. It's time I got serious." Steven declared. I raised an eyebrow at his declaration not convinced at all. "Steven why is your communication device playing that song?" Pearl asked. "It's Connie trying to call me but I can't face her anymore." Steven said. "So you're just going to ignore her forever?" Pearl asked concerned. "It's the responsible thing to do." Steven answered "It's gonna be hard because she's coming up the steps right now." Amethyst said much to Steven's shock. 

Peal awkwardly opened the door trying to by Steven sometime. Settling with she couldn't understand human relationships. "Nice one Pearl couldn't have done it better myself." I joked but she wasn't amused. "Serious Steven never last for too long so he'll be back." I said sitting on a bar stool. "You're not wrong there." Amethyst said. 

Maybe Amethyst is right we'll work through this. 


A/N: I know this one is short but theirs not a lot on this episode, since it's more Steven based. I plan on updating again later this week, until next time. :) 

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