Chapter 13-Shutdown

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A/N: The effects of this chapter will last for a while

Garnet's Pov (Sapphire/Ruby)

We were all sitting in the living room think about what to do since Lapis escaped to Homeworld. So far we had no ideas and I couldn't see a clear future outcome. "GARNET! AMETHYST PEARL!" We all stopped talking and looked out the window. We jumped to our feet and ran out to the beach. When we got to Steven he was sitting in the sand holding something close to his chest. I looked around and I couldn't see Blare. "Steven what happened? What's wrong?" Pearl asked panicked as she looked Steven over.

Steven stood up and looked at us with a sad expression. The tear stains visible on his face. He opened his hands revealing a black gem. When I saw it everything clicked. "Blare..." I whispered Oh no. What happened? He was okay when we saw him last. Sapphire what do we do?

"Steven what happened?" I asked my eyes fixed on the gem in his hands. "I don't know we were just sitting by the shore looking out at the ocean, and then he asked me what happened to Lapis. I told him that she was going home. Then he stood up and he started glitching. He wouldn't tell me what was wrong. He looked up at me mumbling something. I saw his gem and it wasn't cracked, a-and I-I got s-s-scared b-because I d-didn't k-know what to d-d-do?" Steven started crying again. I took Blare's gem from his hands, and Pearl picked him up and took him in the house.

Amethyst stayed silent her face was blank. She looked at his gem one more time before leaving. I looked at the gem in my hand. I walked back in the house hand opened Blare's door in the temple. I set his gem down on on the floor. I couldn't hold it any longer.

3rd Person Pov

Seconds after setting Blare's gem down Garnet unfused forming a Ruby and a Sapphire.

"This has never happened before. Blare never poofs so why now? He was okay when we left him so what happened?" Ruby panicked pacing back and forth. "We need to remain calm. There has to be a reason for this. His gem isn't cracked like Steven said." Sapphire said picking up the black gem. She was mesmerized by it, this was the first time they got to look at Blare's gem, but looking at the gem made Sapphire wonder. She had never seen a Sapphire's gem cut like that. In fact all Sapphire's had the same cut. Maybe that was why he didn't have any color like other Sapphire.

Ruby held her hand out to Sapphire asking to hold the gem. Sapphire gently placed it in her hands. "Sapphire why do we feel this way?" Ruby asked looking at the gem in her hands. Was it wrong to feel this way for another gem? "I'm not sure when we started feeling this way, but it reminds me of how I felt when we came to Earth." Sapphire said holding Ruby's other hand. "Yeah you're right." Ruby said as the two refused. Garnet looked at the Gem on last time before taking it to her room in the temple.

She set it down on a blanket in front of the lava pool before leaving to check on Steven.


"I refuse to help you!" Black Diamond yelled looking up at the Diamond in front of him.

"You have no choice White Diamond has made her choice. You are to help retake Pink's colony by force." Yellow said with a smirk on her face. Black stepped back in fear. "No you're lying Pink would never agree to that!" He yelled tears of frustration rolling down his face. "She had no say in the matter." Yellow said grabbing Blacks hand. "No!" Black yelled a black mist covered Yellow bringing her to her knees. Her color slowly became darker and darker. "I won't let you use me like you do everyone else!" He yelled.

Yellow tried to use her powers but nothing happened as she became weaker and weaker. "That's enough!" Someone yelled as a blue orb hit Black from behind. He fell to the ground his tears flowing faster. Yellow slowly regained her color and stood to her feet. "You're being selfish we need to help Pink." Blue said looking down at Black. "Make yourself useful for once." Yellow said blasting Black Diamond with her powers.

The two Diamonds watched as Black withered on the floor in pain. His form engulfed by the yellow beam destabilizing his form, until the stress of the blast destroyed his physical form leaving his gem. "Pearl!" Yellow yelled seconds after her Pearl walked into the room "Yes my Diamond." She said holding her hands in the shape of the Diamond insignia. "Take Black's gem to the Peridots in the lab so they can begin working." Yellow commanded looking at the Black gem on the floor. "Yes my Diamond." Yellow Pearl answered picking up the gem and leaving the room


Garnet walked out of the temple to see Steven asleep in his bed with Pearl sitting next to him. Amethyst was sitting down her face still blank. "Garnet what happened?" Pearl said walking down to the first floor. "I'm not sure but Steven was right Blare's gem isn't cracked. I don't know what happened we'll just have to wait until he reforms." Garnet answered. Pearl sighed sitting on a barstool. "Steven's pretty shaken up about it, and we can't even tell him what happened or if Blare will reform." Pearl whispered.


Unknown to the three gems. Blare's gem began to glow, and as if they were responding to that glow the bubbled gems did the same. A black mist was emitted from Blare's gem engulfing the room. One by one the corrupted gems stopped glowing as their light was collected and absorbed into Blare's gem. When every gem stopped glowing the mist retreated and the gem started emitting every color of the rainbow before it landing on the blanket.

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