Chapter 14-Fusion Cuisine

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Blare's Pov

I want to be  more maybe if  I'm a little more open. Maybe...I could grab her attention. This new form has to be something more, but what does that mean to me. Do I trust them seeing my gem? Wait what am I saying it's a little late to be wondering that now. They've already seen it. I guess since I'm still alive that they don't know who I am. 

This form has to mean something to me. I want to look a little more like myself in this form I've created for myself. It can't look to much like my diamond self but maybe... Oh! I've got it my be I can make my hair look like it use to. It can't be as long as it use to be but maybe I can just shorten it, and take a few aspects from the fashion magazines Steven has shown me. we go. 


3rd person Pov

In the basement of the temple the Black gem rose from the blanket. It began to glow before forming into Black Diamond and then Blare. The gem landed on his feet taking in a deep breath and letting it go. "Alright we got this." Blare said to himself before opening the temple door. 


Garnet's Pov (Sapphire/Ruby)

(Start were Garnet is on the phone/ Blare walks in on it)

I was panicking what did they want me to say. "Hello this is mum Universe. Yes the children are playing swords." I said but she sounded concerned. "Sorry playing with swords. Their bleeding... oh no their dead...don't call again." I said hanging up before she said anything. I gave the phone back to Steven. "Sorry I panicked I said handing Steven the phone. 

They stared at me in disbelief before laughter broke the silence. I turned to see Blare standing at the temple door. He's back Sapphire! He's okay. I smiled before walking over to him. He was still laughing not noticing that I was in front of him. When I knelled down he had opened his eyes. He stepped back in shock blushing before he returned my smile.

I looked at his new form. It held similarities to his previous form and the outfit he wore at the beach party, and he moved his hair away from his gem. "You look good." I complemented he looked down mumbling a thank you. I brushed my finger over his gem. His blushed deepened as he awkwardly laughed. "It's good to have you back. You had us worried. I said. 

"Sorry about that I'll explain later." He answered. I stepped back smiling at him he seemed to breath a sigh of relief smiling to himself. I'm glad that he's okay.  


Blare's Pov

So far things have been going pretty well. Pearl fussed over my upon seeing that I reformed. She took the liberty  of inspecting my gem for any damage that might have caused my glitch. I had to reassure her that I was fine. Amethyst played it cool as per usual but I could tell she was happy that I was back. Steven refused to leave my side hugging me and looking to see every now and then that I was there, as he watched under the knife with Connie. 

Garnet was a different story she reacted differently than I had expected her to. She was more expressive in her relief. It made me happy that she cared so much, but that could have just been a friendly gesture. 

Steven had asked me if I could help him make a cake with him, for his next hangout with Connie. They were definitely cute and it's been so great that Steven has a friend his age. I had finished taking the cakes out a while ago and we're layering it. Steven went to go call Connie they had been watching a show called Under the Knife. "Steven do we really need cheese balls for the cake?" I asked. 

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