Chapter 38- Super Watermelon Island

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Blare's Pov

Something about today felt different. I don't know what it is but something is off. It's different than the faint whispers of the corrupt and clustered gems. "Garnet." I called out grabbing her attention. She looked at me nodding signaling that I had her undivided attention. "Something is wrong. I don't know what it is but something isn't right." I said. 

Her gaze was still fixated on me but I could tell she was thinking about what I said. Within the silence between us the ground shook beneath us. "Did you feel that?" Peridot asked paranoid by the sudden movement.

"Feel what?" Amethyst asked in a nonchalant tone. "The ground shook this could be the start of the emergence of the Cluster. Stage One: Slight tremors every quarter hour. Stage Two: Full scale Earthquakes. Stage Three: THE EARTH IS DESTROYED! We're running out of time we need to drill right now!" Peridot demanded. 

"No it's Malachite!" Steven shouted. "Malachite!" The others shouted. "Malachite?" Peridot repeated in confusion. "Jasper...Lapis..." I mumbled to myself. This could be my chance to get them back. Lapis is weak, and she can't hold Jasper anymore. If we can get them to unfuse that means I can get to them. 

"I was on Mask Island. I was in a Watermelon Steven. They have a lovely community, but Malachite she was there!" Steven exclaimed. "She's finally wore herself out." I said thinking of Lapis. "Lapis Lazuli is losing control soon Jasper will over power her and Malachite will be loose." Garnet forewarned. 

"Who knows what sort of destruction an unstable fusion like Malachite can cause." Pearl added. "Alright gems Pearl, Amethyst, Blare and I will walk to Mask Island. Steven it's too dangerous for you stay here and watch after the drill with Peridot. Let's go gems to the nearest warp-pad." Garnet instructed striking a pose. 

"To the nearest warp-pad. Amethyst and Pearl repeated. We quickly raced down the hill. Not wasting a second, we warped to Mask Island. 


3rd Person Pov

The Crystal Gems raced off the warp-pad and ran to the shore. Before them stood Malachite. Her continued internal struggle apparent but coming to its inevitable end. 

Blare watched the fusion struggle against its restraints with worry. He watched as two gems that he had come to care and trust in a short period of time fight each other. "Alright, let's put an end to this."  Garnet said. Amethyst and Pearl nodded in agreement, but Blare looked hesitant about it all. 

"Wait let me try and talk to them." He suggested. "No it's too dangerous. Malachite is too unpredictable and highly unstable." Garnet countered. Her words shutting down any hope Blare had of solving this peacefully. 

The trio got into places before fusing into Alexandrite. "Give up!" Malachite demanded, tugging on the chains causing them to snap. "I'm impressed you really held out." Malachite said to herself.

Blare watched the  fusion rub her wrist talking to herself. The seemingly one-sided conversation displaying her instability like a blaring red flag. "MALACHITE!!!" Alexandrite yelled grabbing  Malachite's full attention. 

"Huh, there here. Agh stop. Pathetic. Don't you see we've been holding us back for too long, and for what? Stop struggling you act like we have nothing in common but your wrong. There he is a new start. We both know that he's here with them. Our Diamond, and if  we're going to be this thing together why don't we have some fun. " Malachite said glancing back ever so often. 

"We don't have to fight your out numbered." Alexandrite stated. Blare smiled liking that they were taking into consideration that this didn't have to end in chaos. "Their right Malachite just come back with us please. If not for them for me." Blare pleaded. 

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