Chapter 50- The Idea

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A/N: Alright sorry it took so long to get this one out. I was trying to keep Jasper as in character as possible. The Q and A Might come out a little later since I need to draw the image for the questions I like. I hope you like the chapter and thanks for being patient.

P.S.: Everyone's comments for the dare were pretty funny.


Q and A


Black Diamond (Blare)


New Fusion


Black Diamond's Pov

It felt like I was suffocating. I felt weak everything was going in and out of focus. We had just arrived back at the Beta Kindergarten. How we got here was a blur. I closed my eyes hoping the dizziness would go away. "I didn't think using my powers for this long would take such a toll on my form." I whispered to myself.

I turned to look at Jasper's discolored form. The image of her falling to her knees flashing vividly before my eyes. "I guess that's what happens when you only have one color of light available to you." I commented with a dry laugh. I had really done it this time. Why did I even leave? What made me think I could ever live without them? I thought to myself seeing my hand glitch through the haze of my vision. I just sat there with what I imagined to be a weak and seemingly lifeless gaze. I slowly closed my eyes hoping that I could gain some form of energy from sleep.

Jasper's Pov

I slowly opened my eyes. I couldn't remember what happened. I tried to get up, but I instantly regretted it when I pushed up. I was overcome with a wave of weakness. My arms quaked beneath my weight. At first, I was confused but then I noticed that my arms were faded orange. Slowly pieces of my body began to regain their color. How did this happen? Did Black Diamond...? But if Black Diamond is the reason I'm like this then, where is he? I thought.

Taking a deep breath, I gathered my energy to push myself off the ground. The quaking of my arms became frustrating as I slowly tried to push myself up. My joints moving in painful resistance at what would usually be a simple task to complete. I growled in frustration at my defected form. Little by little I was finally able to get myself into a sitting position with my back leaning against the canyon wall.

My hands lying clenched by my sides. I looked over to the side seeing a mass of black hair. I relaxed knowing that he was still with me. The feeling of having a Diamond was nice, but it wouldn't ever be the same as her. The calm feeling didn't last as I say the black glitch into a red. Fear gripped my chest as every tragic scenario flowed through my head.

My initial reaction was to rush to his aid. I can't lose another Diamond. I finally found something that makes me feel somewhat whole. I turned to look at him finding a semi peaceful expression on his face. He looked as week as the organic life on this retched planet, but for some reason I did not feel disgusted by his weakness. Now that I thought about it he did not shine in his former glory.

That glow had long since seem to dim with a veil of weakness. Why was he like this? What could possibly change the fierce diamond I had seen all those years ago. Here I was serving another diamond that was close to my original diamond. To think that I ever served under Yellow Diamond seemed like a joke, but did my connection to Black Diamond simply lie in the fact that he was close to Pink Diamond.

As that thought went through my head all the scenarios where he had been there for me flashed before my eyes. Why would I lower myself to serve this exiled Diamond? He was the embodiment of everything I despised about this planet and the weak gems that protected it. He was compassionate, weak, dependent, and most of all he loved this hunk of dirt they called a planet, but as those thoughts passed through my head I found that my admiration for him never faltered.

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