Chapter 51- Gem Hunt

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A/N: Alright I'm going to push the Q and A back for this chapter since I'm excited for this chapter. The new fusion is out and I'm super excited. Remember to post your questions below. This is the last call before I finish up on art for it, so any for or about the new fusion can be asked here or somewhere in the chapter.

Hope you guys like the chapter and have a nice day. 😊


3rd person Pov

Okay this is different. What do I do? The new fusion had been looking around the desolate canyon walls for quite some time. He was quite sure what he was supposed to be doing. He knew that he was supposed to be a new experience but that was it. The selective memories of his two counter parts was all he had. Everything was quite strange.

"Well I can't sit here forever." He told himself using his dainty arms to push himself off the ground. His tail swished slowly from side to side catching his attention. "Oh, I-I didn't see this." He whispered. He began examining his various features. His tail being one that made him extremely curious. It was strong much like the muscular arms that he had.

"This could actually could be quite h-handy." He whispered. He stood there a little longer after satisfying his curiosity.

Suddenly he was hit with an idea. "I know what I want to do." With a meek smile he made his way to the warp-pad. He stepped on the warp-pad and in a flash of light he was standing in the home of the Crystal gems. He looked around the room taking in every detail. Oblivious of his fortune that no one was there he walked into the kitchen. Opening the fridge he cringed at the odd odor that wafted from it. His eyes instantly landed on the deformed cake sitting in the fridge.

Lightly pulling it from the fridgehe dumped it in the trash, pulling out the bag. Tying it he set it next to the trash can and replaced the bag. When he looked up his eyes caught the door in the back of the room. His eyes lit up ever so slightly as he walked to stand in front of it. "I know Jasper's gem won't open it, but if I use Black Diamond's gem it might. He rationalized. Closing his eyes, he thought about opening the door with the gem on his forehead.

When he opened his eyes, the door was replaced by a soft black fog. Go in. A voiced whispered from within. Staring at the foggy door he heard various whispers, all coaxing him to step inside. He was hesitant to walk inside. "I-I don't know if I c-can do this." He whispered to himself hoping for some form of guidance. My Diamond.

Curiosity was slowly getting the better of the anxious fusion. He slowly reached out to the door letting his hand slip through, but he quickly pulled his hand back at the minor uncertainties in his head. "I can do this. I've been in here before. No, Black Diamond's been in here before, and now even he's not supposed to be here. If someone saw me I could get us all shattered or worse bubbled." He argued with himself holding his face in his hands.

Please. Stopping in his tracks he looked back at the door. The pleading voice breaking through his internal struggle. Why am I like this? He thought to himself. Desperately wanting to walk into the room he paced a little longer. "I'm looking for trouble, but deep down I feel like I should really go in there." He whispered. Let us out...please. His head whipped towards the door with fleeting confidence. Closing his eyes, he whispered sweet reassurances to himself before taking a deep breath and walking through the door.

The door silently closing behind him. He let out anther shaky breath. Stopping he thought for a second. "I don't have a name. W-what would you even call a fusion between a Black Diamond and a Jasper?" He thought for a second but nothing came to mind. Silently agreeing to think about it later he began to follow the memories of one of his counter parts through the temple.

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