Chapter 54- Bismuth

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A/N: Hello everyone, sorry that this took so long. Things as per usual have been busy. I'm not abandoning this story. I love it way too much for that. Things are crazy in general right now in our wonderful world, but the good news is that I'm on break right now, which means I can update peacefully.

Now the plan is to finish the season I'm on right now since I'm so close to being done, but depending on how things work out school wise I can do more, but the for sure plan is me going on hiatus after I finish this Season

Thank you for your patience and support and enjoy the new chapter.

P.S. I'm still accepting questions for the next Q&A


3rd Person Pov

"Oh my goodness!"

"Go for it Bro!"

"This is your last chance!"

"Oh no, jump! Jump!" Steven pleaded as he moved the controller in his hands eyes glued to the screen. "Ughhhhhh" They all groaned as 'Game Over' crossed the screen. "Dying a bunch in video games is emotionally exhausting. " Steven sighed. Though the gloom of the moment didn't last when Steven heard Lion's soft growling. Looking over to the living room, Lion was playing with one of Steven's t-shirts. "Lion!" Steven yelled running down to the Pink cat. Grabbing the shirt, the two began to tug on it. One wanted to keep it while the other wanted it back holes free.

"Drop it!" Steven commanded. To which Lion let go after he tugged one more time, making Steven fall from the force. "Lion you can't chew this up. How else am I going to remember the time I rode the Thunder Bird at Funland." Steven said, placing the refolded shirt next to a button and a picture frame that also commemorated that moment. "Okay I'm sure this time-" Steven paused looking up to see Lion by the dresser shirt in his mouth. "Liioon!" Steven cried running down the stair s to meet him. "Don't think about it." Steven said pulling the shirt out of his mouth.

The gems just watched the whole scene play out with soft smiles. It was nice that things were getting as close to normal as possible. Though it seemed like whatever they did there was an empty space. Sure, they had fun like always and missions ran semi-smoothly as usual, but the whole left in each day where Blar-Black Diamond sat was always there. "Have you seen him?" Amethyst asked. Garnet didn't answer. Pearl and Amethyst just sighed. Ever since the two had split it had become much harder to find Black Diamond in the future.

Pearl suspects that it has something to do with the fact that Garnet found it hard to think about him, or even the shift in his identity could be the cause of the shift in clarity. They stopped trying at some point but after the second encounter with the fusion between him and Jasper they started again. "Well Steven's been gone for a while soooo." Amethyst trailed off grabbing the game controller, pressing start. In a matter of moments, the mood was lifted, but not gone. The three had become invested in the game again.

It didn't take long for Amethyst to make it to the part they were stuck on. When suddenly a distraught Steven fell out of Lion's mane. "I've made a terrible mistake!" Steven gasped. "Whaaat?" Pearl asked not quite hearing what he said. They just stared at Steven as he laid on the floor. "Ah man." Amethyst mumbled when she noticed the Game Over screen. "Hold on I can fix it." Steven said, jumping back into Lion's mane. The gem trio just looked at each other before turning back to Lion.

The three made their way to Lion now concerned about what was going on. In this moment Pearl wished she knew what Rose kept inside the strange Pink Lion, but that wasn't the case. They simply waited, until Steven fell out of Lion's mane again taking a deep breath. "There's a gem inside of Lion's mane!" He yelled. Pearl frowned slightly. "A gem?" Pearl questioned. "Describe her?" Garnet asked. "Uuhh hang on a sec." Steven said going back in. Popping in briefly Steven looked the gem over. She quickly turned noticing his return, "Hey Wait!" She yelled, but he was already gone.

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