Chapter 62- Mindful Education

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A/N: Here's the new chapter. Thank you everyone for your patience. Just in case you missed it I made an announcement on my page earlier. It's just an update about things regarding the story. Read it if you would like to.


Loud clicking...a door opening followed by more quick clicking steps. He was in a hallway? Before Steven could really look around. A door was thrown open, the sound echoing harshly within the halls. A furious Black Diamond came marching out of the room.

He had made it quite a ways down the hall before a blurry tall white figure came rushing out after him. She tried to catch up, but she couldn't match the enraged Diamond's strides.

"Black Diamond you're overreacting! Those gems were out of-"


Black Diamond strode up to the other gem his eyes glowing furiously. "How could you W-?" Black yelled tears pouring out of his eyes. "First it was Pearl and Aquamarine...and-and now this! You constantly allow them to undermine my authority, and whenever I look to you... you, my one and true sister. You are as silent as the very walls within the main palace!" Black Diamond shouted. His body shaking with anger.

W- said nothing as she looked down at him with a smile with what Steven could only assume was pity. "Black Diamond, you are too attached to the gems within your court. You are supposed to be their leader, not their friend or family member. You are behaving like an organic." She retorted.

Black Diamond growled, "Oh really then why does it seem like the only gems that are put on trial. Excuse me made an example of belong to my court?" Her eyes widened a fraction in response before he continued. "Do you really believe that I have gone so soft that I wouldn't notice? Ever since Yellow and Bl- Diamond have come along you've seemed to magically forget what we have. We built this empire together."

The smile never left her face as she pulled Black closer. Taken off guard by her sudden act of affection he unintentionally softened at her touch. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to make you feel inferior to them. You and your court have done many things for the sake of Homeworld. The only reason I don't back you is because those two need to gain their footing. You and I have established our power over them long before revealing who we were. Now it's time for them to feel the same." White answered, but the underlying condescending tone in her voice didn't go unnoticed by Black Diamond.

It felt like he had been thrown into the freezing waters of one of the ruthless frozen planets they had conquered. His teeth gritted. Pushing her away, he stepped back glaring at W-. "You can't be serious. That is your justification for the blatant disrespect to my court! Grey has nothing to do with this and you know it!" He yelled. How could she even open her mouth to say such a thing to him?

"Bla-" "No! I will not stand idly by as you turn my people into dust at your feet!" He yelled, turning to walk down the hall. However, the other diamond wasn't done yet. Black Diamond stopped walking again looking at the pale white hand clutching his arms. "I don't want to fight you."

Black didn't answer harshly ripping his arm out of her grasp. Sharply turning to meet her gaze. He glares at her. His eyes were now a glowing myriad of colors. "I can't tell. As far as I can see I'm the outcast. That's fine." Before W- Diamond could step back he grabbed her arm. Steven could see her slowly becoming weaker. Barely able to struggle and pull herself away from Black Diamond.

"But know this..."

Steven watched in fear as the white gem seemed to slowly fall to her knees the longer Black Diamond held on. Her body slowly turning grey. "I fully intend to step up to your challenge. I will fight for mine and my people's place in the empire I've built."

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