Chapter 35- Steven's Birthday

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Blare's Pov

 "I can't believe it's finally my birthday. You're sure it's okay we're taking a break from the drill?" Steven asked helping us with the party decorations. "Of course it is Steven. The joys of the world don't stop because of one bad event." I said blowing up more balloons. "

"Peridot will keep us on schedule." Pearl answered. "Yo Peri, you sure you don't want to get in on this?" Amethyst asked, but the gem in question simply stared at her before continuing her work.

"We should celebrate our progress. We should celebrate your progress. You've grown a lot this year." Garnet said patting Steven's head. "He certainly has." Pearl agreed. "Yeah I guess so." Steven said. 

We all smiled at him. Just as we finished talking we heard Greg's van pull up. Connie stepped out the van turning to smile at Steven. "Steven!" She called gaining his attention. "Connie!" He cheered running to hug her. I smile at there interaction. 

I got down from the table taking the balloons from Amethyst. "I'm going to set up the barn for the party. I started setting up the balloons around the front of the barn. Okay I just need to get some at the top, but of course in this form that I've chosen I'm too short.  How am I suppose to get up there?

"Need a little help?" I turned around to see Garnet leaning on the barn door with a smile on her face. I blushed feeling embarrassed. "That would be very helpful." I whispered looking at my feet. Before I knew it I felt her grab me by my waist and lift me up. 

I quickly finished decorating the front of the barn with her help.  Just in time as well since Steven was going to change into his birthday suit. We all sat outside waiting for him. Garnet had the cake in hand and we were ready to surprise him when he came out the barn. 

"Ok Steven open up!" Greg yelled. A moment later he opened the door we all yelled, "Surprise!" However to our own surprise Steven had grown!  Steven stepped out walking awkwardly.

 "Steven are you feeling okay?" Pearl asked looking at him from head to toe. "You look good Steven." Garnet complimented. "Oh thanks Garnet." He said. His voice was a lot deeper as well. "Dude your neck." Amethyst pointed out. "Oh what about it?" Steven asked. "You have one!" Amethyst commented. However I couldn't bring myself to say anything about this. Something didn't feel right about this. 

"So you just grew all of a sudden?" Connie asked. "I had a magical growth spurt just now. Cool right?" Steven asked smiling with pride. "Oh, right it's totally cool!" Connie exclaimed excited by his new height and maturity. 

"Alright then let's get this party started." Garnet said blowing out the candles. "Yeah let's eat this cookie cake!" Greg cheered. "Not before you guys have something to eat." I commented. Everyone looked at me for a minute before laughing. "Your such a mom Blare live a little " Amethyst said putting her arm around my shoulder.With that much to my dismay lunch was skipped and everyone had cake. 

~Time skip~

After many fun party activities through out the day we decided to dance. It was now sunset and I couldn't help to enjoy this sweet moment. I smiled watching Greg and Garnet look through his old records. They seemed to be enjoying themselves. 

"This one goes out to the birthday boy and his best friend." Garnet announced before they started playing  the slow dance music. I smile walking up to Garnet. We watched the two dance. I smiled when Connie leaned in further to Steven. "Aww Steven's having fun." Pearl smiled watching the two. "We know how to throw a party." Garnet said equally as happy.

"Well it's not an true party unless everyone participates in the festivities." I smiled before bowing and offering Garnet my hand. "Can I have this dance?" I asked smiling up at her. She smiled taking my hand. 

We walked outa bit before I took her other hand in my own and danced. It was an enjoyable moment filled with soft and loving smiles, but I wish I could dance with her in my actual form. As much as I enjoyed these moments they were slightly awkward due to my height, but then again I would be too tall in my diamond form as well. 

I leaned into her closing my eyes and letting my focus remain on the moment rather than what could be. The dance of course didn't last forever but that didn't mean I had to let go. After the dance was over we started packing Greg's sound equipment. "I'd say we have another job well done." I smiled. Everyone laughed nodding in agreement. 

"It's good that things are working out between Steven and Connie." Pearl said. The moment she said that Greg and Amethyst looked unsettled. "What's wro-" "Ahhhhh!" We all turned around to see Connie holding Steven? "What happened to Steven?" Greg asked with a panicked expression as he looked at his now infant son. 

Connie quickly explained to us what happened, and I couldn't help but to frown at our current predicament. "We were just talking then all of a sudden-" "He turned back into a baby!" Pearl exclaimed looking at the wailing child. "Yes!" Connie confirmed. 

"Duudde I told you stretching your body out for that long is not good for you." Amethyst scolded lightly. "Steven how could you do that to yourself?" I asked knowing I wouldn't receive a response. Amethyst took Steven in her hands and then went to give him to Pearl. "Here you go Pearl." Amethyst said holding him out to her. 

"Oh no no don't give him to me." Pearl said stepping back with her hands up. "Hand him over Amethyst." Garnet said removing her visor. I frowned wondering what she was going to do. She gently took Steven in her hands lifting him up to met her eyes. She then opened her eyes one after the other and made a funny face. 

I laughed at her attempt to appease the child. Steven simply stared at her confused before he began to cry again.  "My power means nothing to an infant." Garnet said. "Ok this is my department." Greg said stepping up and taking Steven. "What are you going to do?" Connie asked. "Don't worry I got this?" Greg reassured us. 

He walked of to the car. "Amethyst do you mine helping Greg please?" I asked she nodded giving me a thumbs up. "No problem." She said walking off. We watched as the trio got into the car and drove off.  What are we going to do about this?


We still didn't know how to fix Steven yet. He can't stay a baby forever, and this situation didn't apply to the last time Steven manipulated his age. "What are we going to so?" I asked the others. 

"I'm not sure gems don't age so we have no way of telling if he'll change back." Pearl said with worry. "All we can do is wait. Things will work out on their own." Garnet said. We all nodded before walking back to the front of the barn.

"Everybody look at this!" We heard Greg yell. When we walked around the corner Steven was there. He's back to normal this is wonderful. There he stood with a proud smile on his face. When we finally got to them he ran up to us pointing to his face. 

Sure enough clear as day there was a sign that Steven was growing up. He had grown his first facial hair. "Unbelievable." Pearl said with a smile. "Very impressive." Garnet added. "No need to worry about whether your growing up now." I commented. "Is there more where that came from?" Amethyst asked. We all laughed happy for Steven. 

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