Chapter 33- When it Rains

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Blare's Pov 

Day two of the many failed attempts to negotiate with Peridot. The others haven't found anything and despite my growing relationship with the clustered and what I assume to be Homeworld corrupted gems has grown. I can't necessarily tell them about the things I've learned from them. 

"Open the door Peridot. If this cluster is putting us in danger you need to tell us what it is so we can stop it." Garnet reasoned. "No, I hate you I'm not telling you anything about the cluster." Peridot replied indignantly.

"Come on, is it like a big hunk of granola." I laughed at Amethyst guess. "I don't think so Amethyst, that wouldn't be harmful." I giggled watching the wishful look in her eyes. "What's granola?" Peridot asked proving that it wasn't granola.

"I'm sure it's not granola. Now Peridot I'm sure we can reach some form of agreement perhaps a trade is in order." Pearl suggested hoping to come to some form of agreement. 

"Oh sure, why do you give me back my leg enhancements and my arm attachments with my screen and my log and all my information. Oh wait you destroyed them, so no I don't think we can reach some form of agreement." She vented shutting the idea down entirely.

They groaned in frustration knowing that there was nothing that would hold equal trade value. Within the silence we could hear Steven talking to Peridot, and a moment later he stepped out the bathroom. 

"Sorry for interrupting your interrogation." Steven apologized leaning on the wall. "Don't worry about it Steven." Garnet reassured. "I swear Peridot is going to crack any second now." Pearl stated confidently.

"I'll never crack for the likes of you-you Crystal Clods!" Peridot yelled. "Ooohhh I got your clods right here you little-" "Hold on Pearl, if she's not going to be of any help lets investigate this thing on our own." Garnet suggested. 

"That's a great idea but I think I'll stay here." I said. I could use this time to talk with the gems in the temple. Garnet just nodded. "You three stay safe." I said before taking Garnet's hands in my hands. I smiled at her before lightly kissing each gem.

"Love you and don't stress yourself out about this everything will work out." I reassured her. She smiled reciprocating my actions and nodded her head in understanding. 

The trio walked to the warp-pad. "I'll come with you." Steven said walking right behind them. "Sorry Steven, we're gonna need you to stay here with our guest." Garnet said. "Really?" Steven asked. "Yeah make sure she doesn't try anything." Amethyst affirms. 

"Don't worry she's harmless without her limb enhancers." Pearl said. The three walked onto the warp-pad. "I'm not harmless!" Peridot yelled from the bathroom. "Oh hush up!" Pearl yelled back obviously still irritated by the small gem. 

"Oh! Steven there's one more thing I forgot to mention!" Garnet exclaimed. I frowned wondering what she was going to say after such an outburst. "What is it?" Steven asked seemingly preparing himself for her answer. 

"I love you bye." She answered forming a heart with her hands before they left. I laughed at her gesture before turning to a playfully blushing Steven. "So what do you want for lunch?" I asked walking towards the kitchen.

"Wait!" I stepped back shocked by Steven's sudden outburst. Before I knew it he was standing in front of me blocking the entrance to the kitchen. "Can I make lunch this time? It will be a surprise." He asked with a smile.

I stared at him for a while before nodding in agreement. He cheered running into the kitchen. "Just take a seat I'll tell you when it's ready." he instructed his excitement spilling over with each word. "Okay Steven." I took a seat by the window watching as the rain fell. 

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