Chapter 30- Friend Ship

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A/N: Upon a couple request I've decided to release Garnet and Blare's fusion, Moonstone. This drawing is one hundred percent mine please don't steal it or use it without giving credit or asking permission for usage. Thanks and enjoy the new chapter. 

P.S In the event that any of my artwork is used without my knowledge I'll stop releasing the artwork for this story. :)

Blare's Pov

It's been two days since we came back from Keystone. Two days since Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire) and I made up. Two days since we accepted the existence of our fusion as a part of our relationship. Two days since we named our fusion Moonstone. Two days since Pearl became the greatest servile annoyance of my everyday existence. 

Despite her obvious attempts to get back into mine and Garnet's good graces she was able to locate Peridot. Just as her escape pod indicated she was at the Galaxy Warp. "Oh ah, look I was right! My plan worked perfectly." Pearl cheered filled with her unusual but now common perkiness.

"Good morning." Steven greeted much to Peridot's shock. "What? How did you know I was here?" Peridot asked confused about our sudden appearance. Steven proceeded to taunt the poor gem about our methods. I smiled glad that he was enjoying himself.

"Peridot! We're  here-" "And you'll never get away with this!" I frowned at Pearl's blatant interruption. Garnet looked rather irritated that Pearl clipped her statement. 

"Don't you gems have anything better to do then annoy me?" Peridot asked her frustrations at our appearance self-evident. "Nope, we're gonna-" "Prepare to be annoyed." Pearl exclaimed interrupting Amethyst now.

"Trust me the only thing that's annoying here is you." I mumbled watching Pearl continue to make a fool of herself. Peridot growled in frustration before aiming her blaster at us, "I don't have time for this. This planet has an expiration date, and I'm not going to stick around to find out when."

The shot she fired hit a pillar right behind us. As it began to crumble, Steven summoned his shield preventing us from getting crushed. Pearl turned around with an all too familiar determined expression. 

"That's it, I'm taking her out." Pearl announced charging for Peridot. We could only stare at her as she took it upon herself to attack. "Pearl wait." Garnet called, but Pearl didn't listen. Her 'heroic' bravery fell short when she got caught by Peridot. The obviously short gem smiled in triumph, "Ha sorry but your going the wrong way." 

Peridot flung Pearl backwards and she crashed into Steven, dispersing the shield. Garnet caught the rock to keep it from crushing us. "Get her!" Garnet yelled. Amethyst and I charged forward to hopefully take Peridot out. I summoned my katana while Amethyst rolled onto a ball. I smiled remembering Jasper. 

Amethyst charged speed forward but missed Peridot by an inch. I followed her on her alternate path slicing where her midsection would have been, but she flew into the air avoiding my blade. "Hahahahahaha you missed," Sher taunted landing on a warp-pad. 

However much to my pleasure she was met with yet another failed escaped. "Aww doesn't anything work on this cruddy planet." Peridot scowled looking at the cracked warp-pad. "I do!" Steven exclaimed nailing Peridot in the face with his shield. 

I smiled running after Peridot. "Amethyst catch!" I heard Garnet yell. I stopped watching Amethyst throw the broken pillar at Peridot. Effectively knocking her into the air I ran to Garnet. I jumped into her arms and she lifted me into the air to ensure we caught Peridot. Peridot flew closer to us and I reached out knowing that we had her.

I smirked preparing to catch her when suddenly we came crashing to the ground. I opened my eyes to see Pearl tangled between me and Garnet. I frowned feeling anger and frustration boil within me. "Pearl get off!" Garnet yelled. Pearl proceeded to babble her apologize, and Peridot ended up getting away.

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