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This story features a weakened Diamond character in the beginning. With quote-on-quote feminine traits as well. This is a fanfic about a progressive and influential show, so don't expect the norm when reading it. So, if that's not your flavor and you would prefer a character of this variety to be strong and hardcore right out of the gate do not read this story. 

Note: This was the beginning so it's not written as well as late parts of the story. This will be changed and edited at my earliest convenience.

Chapter Status: REVISED


He darted out of the prison. Eyes flickering to every door and corridor in the hallway. Earth, he needed to get to Earth. Freedom had never been closer and a chance like this did not come often in the flawless empire his pseudo-sisters had created. The thundering approach of Quartz Soldiers matched the racing fear that coursed through him. The journey to the interstellar warp was seemingly endless as the echoing steps crept closer. In an attempt to shake the group Black Diamond ducked down a different hallway, but just as he turned the corner he saw the Agate at the other end.

"Halt!" She commanded, whipping out a prototype destabilizer. Black narrowed his eyes steeling himself to his goal and ran faster. Agate widened her stance her arm poised to grab Black Diamond and her weapon in the other. She could see her promotion already. A smirk made its way onto her face at the thought of a reward.

However contrary to her expectations, his gem glowed as his form shrunk rapidly. She desperately ran forward blindly reaching for the prisoner, but Black's form shrunk past her grasp as he slid between her feet. Black Diamond smiled at the momentary victory. Turning down another hall he instantly froze.

He was cornered yet again. He couldn't help but feel resolve plummet as his eyes shifted to each gem in front of him. The light in his eyes fizzled out as he stared at the army of gems before him. Black Diamond turned to go the opposite way only to see Yellow Diamond waiting for him, a smirk on her with mirth in her eyes.

How did they find him so fast. They were going to drag him back. If they got their hands on him again he knew that they would take extra precautions to subdue him. It wouldn't surprise him if he woke up thousands of years later with whatever they cooked up next.

"This is the end of the line Black Diamond, surrender or be apprehended by force," Yellow commanded her voice echoing throughout the hall.

Taking a deep breath to clear his head, Black Diamond drew his sword. The gems in front of him summoned their weapons in response leaning into offensive stances. As the first gem charged forward Yellow stood back and waited for her 'brother' to be recaptured.

The bismuth raced forward arm raised to attack. Black effortlessly blocked her hammer. His hand shot out to touch her. Before the bismuth could move his hand, her form lost all its color. The disconnected gem clattered to the ground surrounded by the monochrome mist.

The morale of the army plunged at the sight, as the sound resonated through the halls. Many looked like they would rather retreat, but one look into Yellow Diamond's eyes crushed the mere notion of such a thing. When the shock settled, the gems charged all at once.

Yellow Diamond expected the fight to be over in that instant. However, it seemed that she underestimated how much power Black Diamond had stored up, and he was gaining more with each gem he touched. If a gem hadn't been swiftly cut in half, they had been absorbed them.

Black Diamond felt invigorated with each takedown the energy coursing through him like lighting. His reflexes became sharper and his movements more polished with each passing second. However, even with this burst of raw power, he could feel the phantom pains of the seals. If he didn't finish this quickly he would crash before he made it to the warp.

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