Chapter 3- Steven

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PLEASE READ ~It's important to the story~

A/N: For the purpose of keeping Black Diamonds identity and minimizing confusion Black Diamond will be called Blare pronounced like the name Blair (A combination of the first three letters of Black and the last two letters of Sapphire), since Sapphire will appear later in the story and calling him Black would be too similar to what the Diamonds do.

Chapter Status: REVISED


Steven rushed to the temple door. Stopping just in front he raised his hand giving the door a rhythmic knock. Only a moment after did the door respond. The black circle at the center of the star glowed. A billowing fog filled the room, and from the dark and eerie fog a small Sapphire stepped forward.

The gems smiled at the boy reaching up to ruffle the boys curly fro, "Good morning, Steven. You're definitely up early today." Steven seemed to smile brighter from the affectionate gesture. "We're still hanging out today, right Blare?" The boy asked with sparkling anticipation.

Blare chuckled watching the boy practically vibrate from his excitement. He was sure Steven could power the entire city with his excitement. "Come on Blaaarrre. You prroommissed." Steven whined. Just as Steven opened his mouth to say more Blare put a hand on his shoulder. "Relax Steven. Of course we're still going out today. Just you and me I wouldn't change our plans for anything in the world."

With another smile Blare made his way to the kitchen. Steven right on his heels. "Besides, you still need to eat breakfast. So, what do you have a taste for this fine morning?" Just as he went to open the fridge Steven took his hand, and the two of them were rushing out the door. "That's the best part the Steven experience comes with breakfast."

Still shocked at how quickly they made it out of the house. Blare shook his head hoping to clear his thoughts a little. "W-we-well then, where are we going first?" Steven did not answer grinning from ear to ear. "Just wait and see I know you'll love it." Blare simply nodded despite the boy turning back to the journey ahead.

Before he knew it Steven was sitting him down at a bench. "Ok. Stay right here and close your eyes." Blare was confused by his request, and it must have shown a little too much because Steven repeated the request. "Don't open them until I come back." Blare smiled laughing quietly to himself as he humored the boy.

"Okay, Steven."

Steven took a couple of hesitant steps towards the Big Donut. Before whipping around to see if Blare wasn't looking. Once he confirmed that the gem's eyes were still closed, he smiled.

Today had to be perfect. It was one of the few days that Blare came to the city with him. Usually, the only time Blare really hung around Beach City was for grocery shopping, and without question that was boring. So, with all the cheer in the world Steven opened the door to the Big Donut and raced to the Cookie Cat fridge....but...but it wasn't there...


"This can't be happening, this has to be a dream!" Steven cried. They were missing. The fridge that held the king of frozen treats was missing. How could this be? This was impossible even.

"Lars! Lars! Please tell me I'm dreaming!" Steven clutching onto said teenager as if he would tell him otherwise. Because there was no way. He had to tell him that they still had Cookie Cats.

Today was special so this had to be a joke of some kind. This was the day that he finally got Blare out of the house to try one fresh out the fridge, the proper way. So, why? Why was the world so cruel to him now.

Just then with a resounding smack, the door to the small shop swung open. Blare looked around with a slight panic and worry furrowing his brow. Seeing the distress on Steven's face Blare rushed over to him.

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