Chapter 61-Buddy's Book

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A/N: Hey everyone, once again I thank you for your patience and continued support of this story. Since this episode is multiple scenarios I'm going to skip to the end in order to avoid the chapter becoming an episode recount. It's a little shorter than my usual chapters. If all is well after I post this chapter. I might be able to post another chapter this weekend or next week.

P.S. The chapter that will be posted later today after this one is the poll I referred to a chapter or so back. I hope you like it. I worked pretty hard to make the art for this fusion poll, and I'm excited to share it with you. I hope you like it.

Enjoy the story and see you all next time.


Steven and Connie really enjoyed Buddy's book, but there was something or rather someone missing. "That's funny there's no mention of Blare anywhere within this story." Steven pointed out trying to remember if the disguised diamond had made an appearance in the story. Connie had a similar look on her face, "You're right even your mom ran into Buddy during his adventure. Maybe there's something in the rest of the journal."

As they flipped through the pages of the book the two noticed that a lot of the pages remained blank or were just sketches of various gem locations. That is until they ran across another title page. "Ooo what's this?" Steven asked leaning forward with interest. "The Final Adventure of Bubby Budwick?" Connie read. Curiosity burned within their stomachs as they looked at each other in silent agreement. Slowly flipping the page, they were greeted by a short paragraph.

To the curious soul that comes to this point within my journey

I recount this solely so that when I open my eyes, I know that it was not a mere figment of my overheated imagination. A discovery not like any I had seen in my journey.

Captured by his words they turned the next page to see a drawing of an elaborate gate. The details captured in the images were as intricate in design as many other gem structures.

It was like nothing I had ever seen throughout the entirety of my journey. It was more like a door than any gate that I had seen before. If you walked around it there was nothing more than endless burning hot sand. Standing in front an entirely different world stood right before your eyes. Had it not been for the welcoming cool air that graced my face and brushed my fingertips. I would have certainly believed that my mind had been lost to the scorching heat of the sun.

In my curiosity, I found myself unconsciously reaching out to it. The mysterious myriad of shimmering colored glass and intricate silver coaxing the deepest part of my being. So, like any great explorer, I entered this strange domain. To say that this peculiar structure was incredible simply didn't capture its intrinsic beauty. A ceiling that sparkled brighter than the night sky itself, filled with every color imaginable. It was a simple yet grand space. The walls were lined with numerous halls and doors. An opalescent spiral staircase rose from underneath the floor in the center of the room to what I could only assume would be the top of this magnificent structure.

"Have you and the gems been here Steven? It sounds like a gem sight." Connie asked. Her eyes gleaming with hope and curiosity. Steven had yet to look up from the pages of the book. "No, I've never seen this place before..." Steven trailed off. His eyes were glued to the page as his face fell. Were the gems hiding something from him again? How come he's never seen this place before? "Hey Steven." Connie called gently placing her hand on his shoulder. Steven sighed looking up at seeing her concerned expression.

"I'm fine. It's just I've never seen this place before, and...I-I thought the gems would stop hiding things from me. Things have just been weird now that Blare is back. It-it feels like there have been even more secrets than there were before. I'm happy he's back but it just there's this wall between us. He's never home at night. When he is I know he's hurting, but...he never says anything." Steven confessed.

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