Chapter 5-Serious Steven and Blare's crush

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Blare's Pov

We were currently traveling through the warp stream, and Garnet was prepping Steven for his first serious mission. However I couldn't help but stare at her as she spoke to Steven. I found myself smiling as I watched her not even noticing that we arrived at our destination. A loud thud broke me from my trance as my eyes quickly began to look for the source of the sound. "Steven!" Pearl yelled my eyes locked on to Steven's form lying in the patch of strawberries. The four of us quickly ran to check on Steven, with Pearl being the most worried over his well being.

"Steven are you-" "I'm fine. I'm good I'm just gooey" Steven said licking his arms before a group of butterflies flew into his eyes. He screamed in panic, running around before falling again. Garnet walked over to him and gracefully brushed them away, "They're just butterflies Steven," She spoke, her voice calm and reassuring. Steven laughed nervously, "Well they looked a lot bigger when they were on my eyeballs."

"Steven you're a riot," Amethyst laughed but Pearl was filled with worry. "I'm suddenly having second thoughts about bringing Steven on this one," Pearl lamented looking at Garnet and Blare in worry. "Shhh just look at him," Garnet pointed out as they turned to look at Steven. "There's no reason to worry. It's going to be okay the four of us will watch Steven together." I said attempting to reassure Pearl but she only seemed to calm down slightly.

"Now let's go recover the gemstone." Garnet said walking off. We walked through the gem battlefield and I couldn't help shivering at the sight. As Pearl rambled about the land, I looked around and recognized the weapons that stuck out of the ground. I shook my head and stopped next to Garnet looking at the upside down pyramid. "Maybe not," Garnet said as she used the smaller pyramid we found to open the door.

Walking into the temple I began to look at the different images on the wall. I frowned at the image of me and White engraved into the wall, with me standing behind her like a shadow. Suddenly the ground began shaking. I turned to see Steven standing next to the now right side up pyramid. "Steven, what have we told you about touching magical things." Pearl scolded as Steven looked up at her. "Definitely always never do it." Just as Steven answered the gravity shifted as we fell into the hole at the top of the pyramid.

I landed in a kneeling position before I was suddenly flattened to the ground. I groaned looking up to see Steven laying on my back. "Steven could you please get off of me?" I asked politely. I felt him scramble off of me. I stood up brushing myself off, "S-sorry Blare." Steven apologized awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, "It's okay Steven, are you hurt?" I asked, looking him over for possible damage."

Suddenly torches lit up around the room as the hold above us closed. "Looks like we're gonna have to split up." Amethyst said looking around the room. "Right me and Steven will stay right here where it seems to be safe. While you guys go and solve the mystery of this place," Pearl stated as she placed her hands securely on Steven's shoulders.

"Wait I wanna help solve the mystery," Steven said, walking out of Pearl's grasp. Amethyst immediately agreed, "Yeah come on Steven let's solve the mystery." As Amethyst tried to walk away with Steven. Pearl grabbed him, speaking her strong disagreement to the idea. "Pearl why don't you let Steven come with me?" I suggested but her eyes narrowed slightly. I took a few steps back and looked away to avoid further eye contact.

"Steven goes with me." Garnet stated her tone holding no room for an argument. I felt myself blush slightly as I stared at her in admiration. By the time I snapped back into it I was the only one standing in the room. I sighed laying on the ground and closed my eyes contemplating these new feelings, or were they old feelings that have recently intensified?

I've been with the Crystal gems for some time now 6,000 years if I remember correctly. I've never felt anything for any of the other gems before. "Is this just deep admiration I have for her strength and stability or is it really something real. Even if it was there are millions of ways this could blow up in my face." I sighed opening my eyes looking at my hands.

I brushed my hair away from my forehead and summoned my weapon. I looked at the empty black blade finding traces of my reflection in it. "But I'm on Earth now and Rose always believed that anything could happen on Earth, so maybe just maybe this is one of those anythings." I said with a deep sense of hope radiating within my gem.

"We're back where we started." I quickly turned around to see Garnet and Steven. "What happened I thought you two went to find a way out of the temple. "We did but we arrived back here when we cleared the traps from each room." Garnet said her voice still leveled despite the confusing circumstance. "Garnet there you are." I turned to see Pearl, and she started explaining how all the doors lead back to the center of the room, while Amethyst frustrated cries could be heard throughout the room as she ran through the different doors.

"Wh-What do we do?" Steven asked his voice caving with discomfort from the seemingly hopeless situation. "We'll find a way out Steven maybe there's a hidden exit on one of the walls." I suggested but he didn't seem to take any comfort from it. "We'll go back in again and again and again." Garnet answered her voice unwavering and calm leaving me with a slight sense of discomfort.

"I CAN'T!" Steven yelled I ran over to him placing a hand on his shoulder.


"It's okay."

"No no it's not you were all right about me. I wanted to do this so bad but now I feel like I'm going to throw up. THIS IS JUST LIKE THE TEACUPS!" Steven yelled. I sighed looking over to Pearl guessing she was the reason he compared the two. "Oh Steven I didn't really mean that-"

"Wait! Wait you guys what if this really is like the teacups. That's why we're getting so lost. That's why I'm feeling so sick. All the rooms are spinning us around so we end up here." Steven explained .

Suddenly without warning Garnet summoned her gauntlets and started smashing the floor. Each hit doing more damage than the last until the floor cracked beneath us. We fell as I reached to grab Steven by his shirt, but he slipped out of my hands. I stared in shock as Steven fell until Garnet caught him. I sighed in relief taking note of the spinning pyramids in the white room.

Pearl started reexplaining the mechanism until Garnet reminded her that Steven had already explained it before. "Garnet I need to get off the ride now." Steven said looking at Garnet she nodded with a smirk on her face before picking him up, "Serious Steven go!"

Steven pulled the gem out of the column. The pyramids in the room began to glow along with the gem until the room poofed in a cloud smoke. I opened my eyes to see we were back in the strawberry field.

"Steven? Steven! Where is he?" I heard Pearl ask as she got up to look for him. I quickly got to my feet to help her when Amethyst called out, "He's over here." We all got up and walked towards Amethyst who was looking at Steven, as he held up the gem. Pearl tapped the gem, putting it in a bubble, and sighing in relief as she sent it back to the temple. "I think you handled that adventure very well." She said smiling in approval.

I stuck my hand out to Steven and pulled him up giving him a smile of my own, "Good job out there Steven. Your out of the box thinking saved us a lot of time." Amethyst added on to the positive moment with her own congratulations, "Yeah good job Serious Steven."

Garnet walked up handing Steven his ukulele. "I prefer regular Steven."

"Hey my ukulele," Steven exclaimed before he started to play the song. "Ooooh that's the end of another day. It was mighty serious I have to say. The Crystal gems looked really cool when they made the temple explooooppe." The butterflies had come back as Steven ran away in a panic. "Steven slow down let me help you!" I yelled chasing after him. 

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