Chapter 45- Losing You

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A/N: I'm so glad everyone loved the last chapter. So far, it's the longest chapter. To anyone wondering I do plan on doing the movie once I finish season 5, but for right now I'm excited for Chapter 50. Thank you everyone for being so patient and I hope you enjoy the new chapter.

Just in case for those that haven't seen all of Steven Universe. Though I hope that you have because this story is made with an all-encompassing perspective of all canon material.

But none the less



3rd Person Pov

Garnet slowly walked back into the house, her form shaking. The internal struggle to keep herself together held together by a straining thread. Taking a seat on the couch. It was silent until the faint sounds of laughter from outside began to fill the room.

The door opening revealing a smiling Steven, Pearl, and Greg. As the laughter died down Pearl noticed the difference in Garnet's demeanor. Greg noticed it next and began to feel out of place. "I'll see ya tomorrow Schtu-ball." Greg smiled before leaving.

The temple door activated revealing Amethyst. Making her way to the fridge. She didn't notice the change in the room. Rummaging through the contents of the refrigerator pulling out random containers until she found everything she wanted.

Pearl however was concerned for Garnet she looked like she was straining herself. "Garnet?" She called out cautiously. Pearl's tone caught Steven and Amethyst's attention. The two finally noticed the tense. Both of them turned to see Pearl slowly walk closure to Garnet. Steven frowned noticing that Blare was nowhere to be found as he looked around the room. "Garnet, where's Blare?" Steven asked.

Garnet stiffened hearing Steven's simple question, but that one question snapped the thin thread that was holding her together. Garnet's arms gripped her sides tightly as if it was a last attempt to hold herself together. A look of concern crossed everyone's faces as Garnet flew apart. The cloud of smoke revealing a distraught and unbelieving Ruby and Sapphire.

Tears streaming down their faces. The moment felt so surreal. How could it be true? The others watched as the tears streaming down their face in concern. They didn't know what happened. Everything was fine before, not to long ago everyone was happy with bright smiles on their faces. What changed?

"What's wrong?" Steven asked. Sapphire looked up to them opening her mouth to answer, but nothing came out the words were caught in her throat. Ruby scooted to her side placing a hand on her shoulder, hoping to comfort the both of them. Sapphire took in a deep breath. Ruby squeezing her hands into a tight fist.

"He's...Black Diamond." They answered in unison. Pearl froze. A sudden feeling of suffocation overtaking her. The world seemed to stop all together as the information sunk in. It couldn't be could it. All this time and he was right there. Pearl began to feel guilty as she thought about him, they left him there. His life spent slowly suffering because of something Rose and herself started.

Pearl stepped back her distress going unnoticed by the others. "All this time he's been hiding among us. And for what!" Sapphire yelled, suddenly becoming angry as she thought about all the time he had spent with them all. Thousands of years he spent with them. Had they been wrong to trust him when he stumbled upon them.

"Was he using us all this time? Was he just trying to take his revenge against the rebellion?" Sapphire questioned. A small part of her knew that she was trying to place distance between herself and Blar-Black Diamond, but regardless of his identity he was transparent once he became comfortable around the Crystal Gems. Or was that a lie too.

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