Chapter 31- I Can Hear You

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This chapter is much shorter than my usual chapters, but the introduced concept will be elaborated on as the story continues. l'll update again soon. I'm currently starting the next chapter right now, which will be a continuation of what happens at the end of this chapter. Okay enjoy. :)


Blare's Pov

"Hello....Hello can you hear me?"

"My Diamond?"

"Diamond...he is not a diamond."

"Black Diamond....we know you can hear us."

"Help us my Diamond please...Help us..."

"We know you can hear us..."

I blinked opening my eyes. Everything was black but  I could make out various faint lights glowing in the distance. I felt drawn to the light glowing in the distance. I found myself walking towards the glowing lights. The only thing I could hear was the distinct clicking of my heeled boots, but as I got closer I could hear faint whispers. 

Each voice was different as I got closer the voices became more clear.  Some sounded broken their words incomplete, some sounded like various voices melded together, and others made noises failing to communicate. 

I stood in front of the collection of lights. Their voices ringing in my head louder than ever. I reached out to grab one of the gems, but suddenly they all glowed brightly. I stepped back shielding my eyes from the sudden light. The light lasted for what seemed to be forever. As I stood in the light I was over come by a strange warm feeling.

The light slowly receded but the warm feeling never left. I slowly opened my eyes ignoring the lasting sensation in my gem. Much to my surprise the faint glowing lights were gems. They all hovered in front of me some clustered and others corrupted. 

"My Diamond...." 

"Black Diamond..." 

"Free us..."

"Help us..."

I didn't know what to do. I thought it was all in my head when it happened. How could I have any  connection to them what is this....






I opened my eyes but the feeling didn't stop. I could still faintly hear the whispers of the gems bellow. Snap out of it Black it'll pass. Just ignore it.  I took a deep breath before leaving the temple to prepare breakfast. 

"Based on how it looks outside I have four hours before Steven wakes up. "I think pancakes will be good for today." I whispered to myself, while grabbing the ingredients. I was able to get into my usual rhythm, but it wasn't the same I could still feel their presence looming over me. 

Before I knew it the sun was up and Steven was getting ready. 


"Can you hear us..." 

I frowned turning to look at the temple door. "Yes I can hear you." I answered. The only reply I received was laughter. It was strange and distorted grouping of voices. "Blare!" I turned to look seeing Steven sitting down. "Oh I'm sorry Steven have you been calling my name the whole time?" I asked pouring the pancake batter.  Yeah... are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes I'm fine. I've just been in deep thought lately." I answered. He didn't ask me anymore questions after that, but the looks he gave me did not go unnoticed. I quickly made the rest of his breakfast before leaving the room.  

"This way..."

"Open the door..."

"Yessss come this way..."

I followed the voices back into the temple and down to Garnet's chamber. Nothing was different about the room, but now the voices were clearer than ever. "I'm here now." I said the gems glowed brightly in response.

"He's here."

"Our Diamond is here." 

"Your Diamond is here we don't serve the Authority." 

"Sssshhhhow sssome ressspect you missserable corruptionsss would ssstill be trapped if he couldn't hear usss." 

"Diamonds are the reason we are like this." 

"He would just make things worse." 

"You use to be one of us and yet you turn to this traitor for assistance." 

"What do you mean? We are not one of you?"

 I watched as the argument continued between the clustered and corrupted gems. It was strange how insightful they were. All this time we assumed they held no form of awareness. "Have you always been so aware?" I asked. 

They all stopped bickering their focus now on me. "At first we didn't know who our Diamond was, but then we saw you. We sought to communicate with you. However we couldn't create a proper form. Maybe you could help us. We need structure that only a diamond can provide."  I smiled remembering what it felt like to have a court. 

"Please help us we will server you and only you please let us free."  I looked to the left seeing the pattern the brighter shining gems were the one's speaking. "Free usss from thisss prissson. Help usss take a proper form my clarity."  I felt myself reaching out to the clustered gem, but then I remembered where I was. 

"I'm sorry but I can't they don't know. I can't help you and how things are now... I don't think I ever will." I lamented. Their lights dimmed at my words I felt terrible. I wished that could help them but I knew I couldn't.

"That doesn't mean I won't visit. I promise that the moment I find a way I'll free you." I promised walking away. "My Diamond there is another."  One called out. I walked back to the pool taking a set. "What are you talking about?" I asked watching as the lights glowed in varying brightness. Their voices whispering secrets that I couldn't make out. "You have to stop it. You have to find the-" All of a sudden they stopped glowing.  

"Blare?" I turned to see Garnet walk into the room. "Garnet, when did you get back?" I asked. "I just returned." She said pointing above me. I turned to see a new bubbled gem just above me. "Well since your back why don't we go out." I said taking her hand into my own.

What were they trying tell me?

To be continued... 

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