In Greyscale - 2

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A/N: Hey everyone hope you all are doing well. First off updates will begin again after I settle into break after finals. So, I ask for your continued patience. (The next episode is Three Gems and a Baby) The rewrites meant to come out with this special chapter will come later(maybe this week?)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Would love to hear what you think about the chapter.

These are just meant to show the dynamics between White and Black Diamond in the beginning and to build on their relationship. Especially since White Diamond doesn't show till the end. And I don't want to torture Steven's character anymore or write a thousand flashbacks. (Plus it's fun)

P.S. For anyone who is wondering when reading these first two. White and Black are on the shorter side to avoid attention in these since the planet hasn't been conquered and made into Homeworld. The next one will be a time skip.


"Do you not feel better this way? You look lovely."

"Yeah...I it-it's a lovely dress. Thank you..."

"Come on Black. Grey Diamond is needed for the ceremony."

"Just a second White. I just need to finish these last few things with Lea."

"Do you ever wonder if there are others like us out there? Just waiting to rain down from the stars."

"I've never thought of it. In my mind, it has always just been you and me. But, maybe...maybe something like that would be nice."

"Shhh, just sit with me. For once all is silent. I wish it could be like this forever."

"Look at all the stars. It makes me wonder what's out there. After things settle down I want to explore."

"Why is it so hard for you to simply support me! Must you always interject your opinion!"

"Don't you dare say that I don't support you! I have given you almost everything that I have! Everything that I am!"

"And yet you still defend the lives of these creatures...these organics!"

"You say that as if we are superior to them!"

"That is because we are Black!"

"And yet just like them, we shatter too. I'm not saying that we give up, but do we have to destroy the planet in the process."

"They have loved ones, homes. I don't understand why this planet must be like our own."

"Because there will always be one fool that decides that they want to fight back."

"...Can we at least try? I don't want to repeat the devastation of the war if it isn't necessary. "

"You have my word, but if things spiral out of control. We do this my way."

"That is all that I ask."


She's been watching him for a while now. White was watching Black Diamond keeping her distance just in case. Every morning before the sun rose, he would disappear, and she wanted to know what he had been doing. So, imagine her surprise when she saw him descend the hill with a bunch of wildflowers in hand.

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