Chapter 39- Gem Drill

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A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long. I've been pretty busy lately, and I've been working on art for the story. Next chapter is going to be two episodes in one because of something I have planned for the 50th chapter.

Hope you guys like the new chapter, and sorry once again for taking so long. :)


Blare's Pov

The cool feeling of the water as I fell into the water. In that moment it reminded me of something of long ago. I don't know why I thought of this moment, but then again I have so much going through my mind.

I closed my eyes attempting to clear my thoughts. The familiar feeling of my form shifting back to normal. When I opened my eyes I could see her slowly sinking to the bottom.

It didn't take long for me to reach her. I took her in my hand, gently holding her. She seemed like a human child in my hands. She was small in comparison to my true form, but her face held an unusual yet pleasant peace.

I thought about swimming back to shore. However that would mean I'd have to face the Crystal Gems. They would just poof Jasper and put her in a bubble. I can't go back. There's no way I could face them with Jasper. It would make the reason I came down here in the first place be in vain.

Think Black where can we go. We need something safe and the gems can't get to... Wait that's it but I would need to get to a warp-pad. There's no telling if they were able to build it. In every colony the Diamond base should be built first, but the was in my time. They most likely stopped building them.

Which means my only other choice would be the Beta Kindergarten. I need to make it to a warp-pad some how. I looked down at Jasper's unconscious form, before swimming to find the next warp-pad.

The silence was unnerving but did not last long as the familiar presence filled it with faint whispers. Every now and again the water shifting due to the earthquakes by the Cluster. I couldn't quite make out what they were saying.

In an attempt to ignore them I let my thoughts wander over the past few days. Garnet seemed more suspicious of me. I'm not surprised by this though. My thoughts have slipped out more lately. maybe I've been suppressing myself for too long.

I keep trying to be someone they would accept, but who am I kidding? I'm a Diamond even with our similar views there's no way we could ever see eye to eye on everything.

The question I've been asking myself is how long will this last. The actual question is how long can I last?

___________Time skip_____

I finally arrived at the Beta Kindergarten. After about an hour and a half of looking for a warp-pad. Walking through the subpar kindergarten I take a seat leaning against one of the canyon walls.

The voices never faded only getting stronger. I frowned at the clear voices of what I assumed to be the Cluster. It was like standing in a large crowd of people. You could make out somethings but the moment you focused on one voice the others sounded like a cacophonous mass of white noise.

They all sounded confused about many things. Some wondering where they were. Others wanted to form to find answers to their existance, but they all seemed to realize that something was missing.

It was sad they weren't even the same gems that they use to be. New beings thrown back into the world and unsure of why or what they were, with only the knowledge that something was missing.

I closed my eyes to relax and shut out the voices swimming through my head....


aren't we suppose to...

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